Jennifer Greenburg's photos of people who live like they are in the 1950s


Yeah. Are we almost done being old- timey?

I will know I am a geniune old fart when people start wearing Members Only jackets and parachute pants while listening to WHAM! in an attempt to recreate the ‘good old’ 80s. If we get 80s style rebels ‘teenagers’ who wrap their bandanas around their thighs (for some reason) and rip the sleeves off their jean jackets I will give up altogether.


Cute. Glad these white hipsters can look so fondly at the 50s, whereas many others would be very happy to forget.


I think Jello Biafra and Mojo Nixon covered this phenomenon quite adequately.


Jandrese, you’d complain about the SCA, simply because they don’t have serfs or the Black Plague.

The POINT of re-enactment is to bring back the GOOD things about a period. . .

OF COURSE it’s a bad deal. You didn’t get any gold, livestock, or men-at-arms in the deal. . . .

Come on, get with the 13th Century, dude. . . . . :stuck_out_tongue:

80’s fashion has been coming back in for a few years now.

It’s odd to me that people would conflate an era’s design and style with the social problems of the time. This seems especially true of the 1950’s.
There seems to be a segment who are offended by any 1950’s imagery who seem to see the appreciation of that decades style and design as a desire for segregation and a pass on racism.
I haven’t seen anyone doing the same for the 20’s or 30’s whose art deco style is widely appreciated and emulated without the accompanying claims of classism, racism, or monopolistic greed which marked that era. Maybe I’ve missed those cries of indignation.


I wonder if that’s simply a function of age. There aren’t many people posting on blogs who have actual memory of the 20’s and 30’s or their immediate aftermath.

Some awareness of that time is coming back now, though, thanks to our condemned-to-repeat current economic woes. I think it was on a recent Stewart or Colbert episode that they were talking about Davos while showing a party scene from the recent Great Gatsby movie. Perfect.

I know people who have genuinely bought the “Heritage Not Hate” line. I think they’re suckers, but they really aren’t racists.

Yeah, I have to wonder if all these people think oppression in America just…ended forever in 1960. If this article was about people who decorate their homes like Summer of Love flower-child pads, I doubt even one person would be assuming that they were all racists/sexists.

Then they are simply ignorant or in denial of their heritage. I don’t buy it.

HEY HIPPIE!!!..I think I hear Wavy Gravy calling YOU! You’re WANTED back at the Hog Farm!

Wait…wait…my bad…that was just a flashback I was having…happens sometimes…I want that TV set. I want that TV set. I want that TV set. Did you know Wavy Gravy’s birth name is Hugh Nanton Romney and that as a young child he would take long walks with Albert Einstein and that he started dressing as a clown to get the heat off his back and B.B King named him Wavy Gravy? These pretzels are making me thirsty. Got a light? Got a light? Got a light? Did you know that in many parts of Africa Guinness Stout is made with sorghum? I really want that TV set the one with a neck, head and flat body at the bottom. I’ve been looking for a while but they’re all so expensive because they’ve all been snapped up by those rich freaks in Manhattan but I did see one at a garage sale three years ago for $25 but I didn’t have any cash so I asked the lady to hold it she said she would but when I got back it was gone…she sold it for $50. NASA really jumped the shark with the Space Shuttle program.

Well, yes, that’s what I said. They are still, personally, opposed to racism and in favor of civil rights. It’s dumb, but it’s honest.

Is the guy in the picture one of those? No idea. But it’s possible.

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