Lurking inside Obama's secret drone law: another secret drone law

The executive branch doesn’t make laws.

The executive branch in this instance appears to be interpreting how it can use it’s war powers, which congress expanded back in 2001.

I’m attempting to avoid politik here, but simply saying they have secret memos that contain references to other memos, does not make this a ‘law’ or a ‘legal ruling’ or anything that is representative of democracy.

The executive branch has to follow the law, and like everyone else, they sit around with Lawyers and debate about what the ‘law’ means, because congress does not really care whether or not the laws they write are coherent or even applicable to all cases.

You may be joking, acting like a tinfoil hatter or any number of things, but I’m merely trying to understand what they believe will happen, beyond the conspiratorial/propaganda of bad publicity, if these law opinions are released.

You don’t prevail with a PAC alone. You attack the structure from all sides within the law. A PAC is another tool to be added to the arsenal, and an important one.
If you’ve got another tool we can use, bring it out and let’s have a look at it. We can use all we can get.

A brief excursion outside the scope of law could resolve a lot of ills quickly, if well planned and prejudicially executed. Since that isn’t the sort of suggestion that you’re likely soliciting, I’ll have to keep thinking creatively for now.

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