For those having trouble reading the “all CAPS” part, I filtered it:
Barbara from Upper Marlboro:
“I rode a taxi to the monument. Thousands of people were there talking and some singing. I found people were very friendly and wanted to talk. Flags were waving and freedom songs were being sung… Some people wanted to stay around but I decided to walk closer to the Lincoln Memorial. It was amazing. I walked through thousands of people and got closer enough to be able to see the guest speakers and singers even though they were at a distance. I could actually see Dr. King as he spoke. Many people were crying but everyone was listening. Some whites were there. Some of them were also crying. I remember hearing a man say how could America be so blind and not treat these citizens as true Americans. As far back as you could see there were people. I got one of the special caps and I hope I can locate my program and my blue cap marking this event. That event is something I will never forget. I always shared it with my classes throughout my years of teaching. I am always looking for my face or my brothers face in the crowd whenever a picture of the historic event is shown. This historical events should never be forgotten. Our children must know the struggles of their people to get where we are today. But we still have a long way to go to instill in our children their importance in this country and the world.”
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