Nope, men and women aren’t equally sexualized in comics

Well, you are free to believe that, or whatever else you need to believe to protect your worldview.

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Personally I don’t care about this argument. I care about sexism in the real world, but in a fantasy land I don’t care at all.

Are you a man? Please tell me you’re not a man. If you are: Why is it about what YOU care about?

Also, newsflash: Comics exist in the real world. They don’t exist in a fantasy land. They are written and created by real people and are consumed by real people, not fantasy people.


Thank goodness I now have your permission to have and express my opinion. I was beginning to worry. May I go to the restroom now?

Everyone here keeps assuming that the fashion world is ran by women, and women are the ones creating those fashion magazines. For the most part, nope: Why Aren't Women In Fashion Taken As Seriously As Men?

It’s easy to assume that an industry geared towards women would be predominantly run by women. So when you meet a man in the fashion world, it inspires shock and awe. A man must be extremely talented to forgo other stellar job opportunities in order to venture into fashion. But if you did just a quick sweep of the major fashion labels, you would realize that successful women in fashion are more of a novelty than men (Tom Ford, Dolce & Gabbana, Armani, Valentino, Christian Louboutin — just to name a few). How many women (aside from Vera Wang) in fashion can you think of off the top of your head?

@JollyWombat, honestly, you need to do more research on this subject.


I’d prefer you express your own and knock off expressing everyone elses for them!

The former is your right, the latter a sign of deep insecurity.


I’m not the girliest woman around, so I’m scratching my head a bit over why your wife would have such a negative reaction to another woman being fit. Perhaps the other woman had an exposed midsection, and that was your wife’s problem (a lack of modesty)? Simple jealousy? I’ve not ever dated any men that thought physical weakness was sexy. It’s not something I have personal experience with, but it’s prevalent in media aimed at heterosexual men, and ubiquitous in explicitly sexual media targeted at the same.

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I don’t really care what you demand of me…but I never did that…[quote=“AcerPlatanoides, post:145, topic:54279”]
expressing everyone elses for them!

Since when did “prefer” = “demand”?


Persistence is the determining factor.

And 'round and 'round the goal posts go.


How so?

Now i am demanding something of you… but I’m the one having a conversation with someone imaginary.

I say this rarely, but go outside and breathe, friend.


You could ignore @AcerPlatanoides, but you’ve decided not to do so.


I am outside.

Your point?

Of course not. I simply won’t let him ignore me. How could he possibly do that with me holding this gun to his head?

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Have you recieved enough attention yet?


Men never sexualized in comics, part 2:


Have you?

I think we should be asking “what’s yours”? You said that @AcerPlatanoides demanded something of you, and I don’t see that at all.