Obama tells the FCC to class the Internet (including mobile!) as a "utility"

Congress and The Money would have never voted for or allowed sensible, popular policy proscriptions. Remember what Congress, Rs and Ds, threatened to do to the plan to close Guantanamo Bay? That’s not speculation, it’s settled history. Now the people who are most guilty will also get the blame. I wish Obama could have played it differently, but he couldn’t. Red states are red, and stupid will stay stupid so long as a black dude is on the other side.

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How can the conservatives be against this? If people like Ted sCruz was in Philadelphia in 1776 he would have stood against the Bill of Rights. He clearly doesnt know what he’s talking about. He is a Political Heretic for the sake of it. This bold step by our President is perfectly prudent. It is the very air we speak freely in he’s standing up for. Suddenly the Republicans show their ugly ignorant heads and breathe fire.

I was just going to mention that FOX News was working overtime to declare Net Neutrality “Big Brother” and “Obamacare for the Internet” because republicans couldn’t possibly be more for giving up our personal freedoms in favor of stuffing corporate pocketbooks.

Never mind that the internet is international, never mind that is has always had net neutrality, never mind that the proposition of having to pay every endpoint ISP in existence that might throttle or block sites and services is untenable and short sighted, never mind the public resources that went into creating the infrastructure, never mind that this would push the tech industry out of the USA which is the last booming industry in the US economy, never mind that consumers should have the freedom to choose to use the bandwidth they purchased however they choose, never mind that the US already has the 32nd worst internet service in the world and is dropping down the list quickly despite having invented the internet, never mind that ISPs want to be able to block competing services like Netflix and Hulu in favor of their own “TV” offerings eliminating fair consumer choice and eliminating these companies that have revolutionized the industry, never mind that this is a runon sentence of rage against the republicans for wanting to sell us out yet again and pulling the wool over so many peoples eyes.


Yeah. It’s not worded as if he has a problem with paid “fast lanes” on the Net either.

That seems to be covered by a different point: “I am asking for an explicit ban on paid prioritization and any other restriction that has a similar effect.”

Are these rankings online somewhere?

That’s called null route, you insensitive clod.


Bah, that’ll never take off. It won’t fit at all into jokes about using them to cover the walls of your den.

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Gosh, who could have predicted that appointing a former telco lobbyist to head the FCC could result in not being able to enforce net neutrality? What a crazy, irrational place the world is!

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