Obama to Putin, on the phone (probably): Dude, don't even think about granting Snowden asylum

The only other good thing about Obama is that Romney and McCain could have conceivably done been more horrible. Even then, I am not so sure. Yeah, maybe Romney or McCain might have tried to fuck civil liberty harder (though I struggle to imagine how),

Is that really a struggle to imagine? Just look at their words and actions and the general cluster-fuck that is the republican party and where we are today after two GW Bush terms to get an idea.

I agree with most of your sentiments about disappointment with Obama’s second term.

But I also think most of the American public is getting what they deserve from decades of apathy and ignorance. We went on a radically downward spiral ever since we voted in greater evil Bush instead of Gore. Yes, I suspect Bush stole the election, but he couldn’t have done that if the damn election hadn’t been so sickeningly close. Here’s looking at YOU, American public.

You don’t jump from two terms of GW Bush, an infestation of bluedog Democrats and a mostly rubber stamp congress for Bush… to anything much better for decades of voting lesser evil. The damage was incredibly severe and we were sent backwards into the abyss. And the American people were warned, but just wouldn’t fucking listen.

Almost exactly 10 years ago to this day, this was going on:

We were wasting precious time as a country locked in dialog about weapons of mass destruction while ignoring the REAL weapon of mass destruction that was the Bush administration and his rubber stamp Congress. The American public through its foolish, apathetic ignorance allowed corporatist criminals to absolutely entrench themselves into every fabric of our government to turn it into a quasi-governmental paradise for the corrupt rich.

Quote from my link above from 10 years ago:

The Bush administration continues to subvert national security with various corporate/government corruption (well documented everywhere including government docs), was asleep at the wheel during the worst terrorist attack ever on U.S. soil and is fighting investigations (well documented, government docs, etc.), subverted EPA documents to fit their political/corporate goals (well documented by the EPA, yet more govt. docs), subverted data on the homeland security website to promote fear and meet their political needs (well documented by scientists used for website), lied about various lucrative contracts with various ‘axis of evil’ countries and have even admitted using offshore accounts in order to subvert U.S. law and do business with them (including providing nukes that can be used for dirty bombs) (well documented, even publicly admitted)… it just goes on and on… I HONESTLY do not have time to post all the corrupt, dangerous, un-American actions this administration has taken against its citizens in the name of profit and power.

We don’t go from two terms of this pile of shit, massive corruption, purposefully obtuse ineptitude in the name of corporatist profits, draconian cuts to civil rights, spending of galactic cluster-fuck proportions on useless, destructive wars, massive distribution of wealth to the rich, voter apathy, etc. ----- to a shining nation on the hill in 5 years.

It’s going to take DECADES of voting in lesser evils at this point to recover. Imagine where we’d be today if Gore was elected instead of Bush? No Iraq war, Gore would have very likely LISTENED to Richard Clarke and thwarted 9/11 and I seriously doubt Gore would have conjured up WMD lies to invade Iraq if the attack had happened anyway. Gore also is strongly against all this NSA spying and says its unconsitutional. Would have Gore been perfect? Fuck no! But we wouldn’t be in anywhere near the shit mess we’re in now if we hadn’t allowed pure evil to take over for two terms.

I understand that you’re making a protest vote in a solid blue state, but please do that with great care and proper calculation.

I fear Americans will throw away their votes for a third party in the next election instead of voting in the lesser evil. It sure did wonders for the Gore/Bush election and look at the fanstastically wonderful position we’re in today?

I’m done here. If the American public doesn’t get it by now, then I guess they never will. Fuck it.