Obama to Putin, on the phone (probably): Dude, don't even think about granting Snowden asylum

I’m sure it’s not a settled issue, but there is a case to be made that a rigid two-party system generally only moves in one direction. In other words, forcing people to continuously chose the lesser evil typically just expands the outer limits of “acceptable” evil.

Continuously voting in the lesser evil makes for lesser and lesser evil down the road as long as it’s done consistently. What do you get with lesser evil? Just that.

So, what are things that lesser evils do?

For one, lesser evils open the door to third parties and candidates by not suppressing the vote and using unethical gerrymandering, sleazy redistricting, etc. that you see much more rampantly with greater evil (Republicans). Republicans have a solid history of this that far outmatches the Democrats who, if anything, try to promote more voting.

Once again, tell me how flawed consistently voting in lesser evil is once we’ve actually tried it.