Onion accurately predicts GOP opposition to anti-asteroid initiative

No I am not wrong. And I assumed that you HAVE studied astronomy. I know what bolides are, as I have studied astronomy myself. Any rock that orbits the Sun could, possibly be an asteroid, a meteor, a meteoroid, AND a bolide, all at once. If you want to be dismissive about the threat to human society about any of the above, by calling them all meteors, so be it. As is usual in science, “more study is needed”. It takes money. IMHO, a few trillion on wars are a waste. A few hundred million on asteroid-wrangling might be a better investment. I’m sure you will come back with some snappy answer. So be it.

I would hate to disappoint. Dear God, please let us spend more money on wars! If there is anything in my argument that isn’t clear, let me point out that I only want more murder and destruction while cutting science funding.

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Thank you sir. :slight_smile:

Indeed the opposite is the prevailing economic strategy, to get the as-yet-unborn to pay for the comfort of the will-be-dead.


Then we must send men to the sun to protect it!


The odds of a terrorist attack killing large numbers of people are slim, why do we invest so much money in preventing that? Oddly enough, many in the GOP aren’t interested in preventing people from dying due to not having health insurance coverage… if the GOP were to say, “let’s spend this money to fund the Affordable Care Act rather than researching asteroids” I might be able to get onboard…

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The chance of if happening is 100%. Why are you ignoring that?

When, when is the question. Not IF. why are you ignoring that?

Citation: where are the dinosaurs?

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why do we invest so much money in preventing that

Because to do so is both profitable for those in power, and extends their power further?

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Gilbert “Wham”? Sounds like somebody is a puppet of the Asteroid Hitting Earth Industry.


Semantic errors? Have you checked for attribution errors?

Yup. I’m a shill for Big Rock.


I’m not sure this condition is as rare as they think, although for me, frankly, it’s the Jurassic Park theme…

I’ve already responded to that point. It is obvious that you didn’t read through this discussion before you responded.

Have a snickers bar or something.

Yeah, whatever. You are one of those people who sees two people having a complicated discussion, jumps in with a couple of one liners, and then walks off feeling smug while not having contributed anything to the discussion at hand.

If you want to discuss something, state your point clearly and logically (and read up on all the points and counterpoints made). If you only want to make a couple of zingers, please go away. I don’t hold discussions with people who aren’t intellectually honest.

Sure, whatever. Have a snickers.

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