Orphan Black star Tatiana Maslany profiled in New York Times


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i have season 2 saved on my hard drive but i’m afraid that if i watch it i’ll be disappointed. at least sometime i may be in the mood to binge watch it.

This goes nicely with the “strong female characters” post from the weekend.

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I’m rewatching the first two seasons a few episodes at a time with my son, who had never seen it before. We’re almost to the end of the first season and he’s hooked. They’ve been every bit as good as I remembered them from my first viewing.

Tatiana Maslany is amazing.


She is a brilliant actress. Everything else about the show (plot, script, etc) is passable, but her acting makes it great.

I think you can watch with confidence. Just as good as the first season!

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I haven’t seen her in anything else, but her acting in Orphan Black is astonishingly good. There are times when one of her characters pretends to be a different one of her characters, and she actually makes it work.

(Any professional actors out there? Is that as hard as I think it is?)

She’s good enough that it would be distracting, except that she’s even better than that.


Tatiana Maslany is amazing.Orphan Black is worth watching if only to see her at work.

But what I got out of the NYT piece was this wonderful insight:

Then she (Maslany) quoted to me something the dancer Martha
Graham told the choreographer Agnes de Mille in 1943.At
the time, de Mille was confused and bewildered by her sudden rise to
fame, and Graham offered her words of encouragement. It is a beautiful
pep talk, practically written in verse. I can see why it has special
meaning for Maslany as she navigates the challenges of the fishbowl
herself. The part Maslany recounted to me is this: “It is not your
business to determine how good it is, nor how valuable it is, nor how it
compares with other expressions. It is your business to keep it yours
clearly and directly, to keep the channel open.”De
Mille asked Graham when she would feel satisfied, and Graham replied:
“There is no satisfaction whatever at any time. There is only a queer,
divine dissatisfaction, a blessed unrest that keeps us marching and
makes us more alive than the others.” I asked Maslany what her divine
dissatisfaction was. “I don’t know how I would label it right now,” she
said. “I think if I looked back on this time, I’d probably see where it

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Its fucking awesome.


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