Printing ideas into 3D reality: Miles O'Brien reports on what's next in 3D printing for PBS NewsHour


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Miles O’Brien? Interesting choice. They must really be pushing for that comparison to Star Trek’s replicators!

Oh, wait, I see. Different O’Brien. Nevermind…


:slight_smile: That’s the picture that I got in my head as I was reading the headline.

They can also print guns

Whenever I see journalist Miles O’Brien’s byline it makes me think, “Hey - that’s Xeni’s friend!”

I love the concept of 3D printing but I haven’t gotten involved with it yet. I’ll have to stick with toothpicks and glue assemblages for now. :smiley:

And swords! Bright pink ones I believe.

Yes… as the video in the post also points out…

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