RADIO: a technical book my grandmother wrote when she was 17

In 1940, my grandmother graduated from the Central High School of Commerce in Toronto. As a condition of graduating, she had to write a book-length thesis project, and hers was called “RADIO,” and was a history of radio to date, with emphasis on its applications to business. My grandmother pulled this out at a family… READ THE REST

Obligatory “WHAT ABOUT TESLA? A quick search of the PDF doesn’t mention him at all!1!”

Seriously though, neat. What a world it must have been back when students had to do stuff like this to graduate from high school!

Yes, can you imagine what sort of ‘book length theses’ we’d get today? Very little this articulate, I’m sure.

The biggest high school assignments of mine I found were two English essays. One was from Grade 12, the other from OAC (Grade 13). Both were around 2000 words with secondary sources cited. Cory’s grandmother’s is about 6500 words. The first is about The Old Man and the Sea, the second about Brave New World. As I recall, the teachers were more concerned about following a specific format for citing sources and writing the essays than the actual content.

Hey! Thanks for the nod! The good folks at Internet Archive Canada really deserve most of the credit, I just put people together. If anyone reading this has something cool they want digitized for the masses, feel free to ask!

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