Relax, Sarah Palin just solved California's drought crisis

What she says is a sort of word salad that communicates via tone to her listeners that their unfounded biases are also held by experts on TV and therefore “YAY!” I honestly don’t think these people even bother to parse, but just catch key words and the overall tone. I have come to believe that there is a portion of the population that is actually pre-conscious in a sense. She “speaks” to them in their native language. If they can be relied on to vote loyally for their leaders then those leaders have a chance to get into power and do what they really want, which is accumulate power and wealth without regard for consequences. Triggering fear is a big trick in their bag. I think what has happened with Palin is that the Right’s leadership thought initially that she was among the insiders and they have come to see that she really is one of the unconscious. This means they have stopped trusting her and are quietly marginalizing her. Trump will be the next one to see this fate, which has started to happen over the last few weeks.