Snowden invited to testify in Germany (with safe passage) over NSA spying

Can you blame him? Putin prevented war through diplomacy while Obama wanted to bomb a country that did no harm to the US. Meanwhile America seems to want nothing more than to either kill or lock up everyone who isn’t rabidly pro-American.

Oh yes, and swedish asylum for Assange, please.

Germany should have contractual duties incompatible from Mr. Snowdens perspective.

Tut, tut. Bombing places is a time-honoured tradition for sitting Presidents at least since William McKinley.

Though you may see their’s written even by native speakers, it is incorrect. Theirs should never have an apostrophe.

neat that the bbs handles umlauts.

I think you are referring to this. Yes, it happens.

While I am a Real Live Socialist™ and not a Democrat, that’s fairly disingenuous. The Ra Ra Patriotism In The Knee Eagles SCREEEEE has not switched aisles. The Republicans remain the purveyors of faux patriotism and the Democrats remain the devil’s advocates for pointless–and often self-destructive–centrism.

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Oops, sorry. You’re absolutely right.

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