Terrifying Uzbeki clown wants you to wash your hands


75% of communicable diseases can be prevented by locking this clown in prison for the rest of his life.


I once played a drunk, angry clown sitting in a bar talking about how every night he contemplates suicide in a small independent film.

I wish I had seen this poster so I could use that Uzbek clown as a model. It would have added so much.

Awww . . .

Now, I’m no fan of clowns, and enjoy “evil clown” humor, but really . . . this clown really isn’t too bad!

He doesn’t have a 5 O’Clock shadow, have a creepy frown painted on him, or look like he’d spent the night in his clown suit drinking Night Train and doing unspeakable things with the circus horses.

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Depending on how one reads this sentence, you could be talking about a snuff film.

Well, you do only get to star in them once. However, you aren’t really able to post about it after the fact.

And gratuitous coulrophobia rears its ugly, bulbous-nosed, fright-wigged head again!


I agree. At worst, this clown qualifies as vaguely amateurish. But otherwise, he looks clean, his makeup is simple and neatly applied, and his expression is largely neutral. (He’s not even showing any teeth!) Very low on the evil-scale.

I would definitely call this a wholly misguided attempt to encourage proper handwashing and that almost any other imagery could be an improvement. But not terrifying.

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Boing Boing once ran a story about Turkish circumcision palaces, which are specialized catering halls where pre-teen boys went to party down and get entertained by clowns before the star of the show has his tip snipped.

I hope to God (Allah) that the clowns in those places aren’t scary. That would just be rubbing salt on the wound.

Definitely less scary than Willard Scott, that’s for sure.

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Definitely not terrifying.

I will wash all of the hands! Just make the clown stop being happy at me!

More terrifying are the bug eyes on the “BUy My $6 dollar tees” ad BoingBoing has running. Although this is a step up from the large breasted female with the Tee that reads, “I use too care.”

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