The Washington Post explains the double standard of welfare restrictions for the poor

Also the cheap drug tests which most companies and such use because it’s all they can afford are super easy to circumvent btw. I can go buy a bottle of fake pee for $40 online or in any local head shop. Testing hair is the most accurate, I believe, but also really expensive and no one is going to pay for that except for certain high-security/dangerous jobs and even then…probably not.

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Given what conservatives think of other people, they probably auto-consider other people’s kids to act inappropriately, which would mean the parents are absent for most of the child’s life, and they are most certainly spending their time and money welfare dollars paying strippers to grill their filet mignon with a shiny new Eddie Buauauer Flex-O-Lite GrillMaster that is perched precariously on the mizzen-poop-deck, or would that be the foc’sle hawse?, of a recently purchased yacht.
Oh how our preconceptions/predjudices do chafe with reality.

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