Unarmed man flags down LAPD seeking help. They shoot him in the head

I’m not sure what point you are making? Are you suggesting that banning “manufacture” gives an end run around the second amendment?

Nation states need small arms manufacture, cannot eliminate it entirely. Firearms exports are big business.

Groups within the USA certainly do push for gun control by trying to deal with manufacture for domestic retail sale – that’s pretty much the entire basis of the original Assault Weapon Ban (AWB 1994), many state bans, and proposals by Feinstein and other advocates of disarming the law abiding.

[quote=“redesigned, post:82, topic:60131”]
prohibition hasn’t worked in any country it has been tried in as far as i’m aware. gun reduction has worked in every country it has been tried in. so there is that…[/quote]
Assuming your definition of “gun reduction has worked” is “reduced firearms homicides”, and you’re willing to ignore all other effects of "gun reduction", then maybe you are correct.

I say we amend the constitution to fix this amendment. its reason for existing no longer makes any sense.

No I am familiar with the 2 outlier cases where certain crimes continued to increase even after gun reduction. studies on BOTH those countries have shown that the increase was not caused by the gun reduction, but rather by other pressures. BUT that wasn’t my point, my point was that unlike prohibition, attempts to reduce the number of guns in any country has always been successful, whether or not that reduces every type of crime is a much broader discussion, one that involves many many factors.


It’s not just police; as violent crime and other risks have diminished, people in general have become more afraid of such risks because any given incident stands out more prominently, and is thus given far more weight than any similar incident which was just part of background noise in far riskier times. It’s easy to see where this leads, what with cotton-wool-wrapped kids, pedo paranoia, (perceived) safety at all costs, and so on.

And the only mitigating factor I can think of is an at least half-decent general understanding of cognitive biases, but since general ignorance of such is preferred by the powers that be (since we’re constantly being manipulated en masse via these cognitive biases), I can’t see the situation improving any time soon. Thus the majority become ever more hysterically idiotic.


Maybe they are not cops… Could be undercover MIB who thought that they were dealing with an alien for whom a head shot is just a minor annoyance.

Who else would be running around brandishing a towel?


And it doesn’t even have to be a complete prohibition.

New Zealand has a strong hunting tradition and it’s even still possible to be licensed to own/collect handguns. But before a license is granted the applicant has to attend a course, pass an exam and an interview — and your spouse has to give it the OK in private interview with police as well. Domestic violence? Instant ban.

Australia is an even better example. After the Port Arthur Massacre they tightened gun controls considerably —and their firearm death rate has fallen from 0.25 of the US rate to a tenth. Lower than NZ.

But, in before the “But the USA is different” brigade. Yes, in this particular regard at least, the rest of the world does indeed see you as special if not exceptional.


I fully agree. I’m all for hunting. I think target sports can be done with less lethal versions, maybe even rubber bullets. A class and requiring a license isn’t unreasonable to own one of these classes of weapons.

Some of the assault weapons sold in the USA are downright frightening, their only function is to make taking a lot of lives very quickly an easy thing. The fact that you can just waltz into a gun show and buy one without any license, training, or anything, is ludicrous.


We hunt the shit out of things in Canada too. Lots of guns rurally, huge supply at the Canadian Tire if you get low.

But social safety nets. Ours are being eroded ATM, though there is a good chance of reversing some of the damage in the next election.

Too bad about all the crossover between the people who demand the weapons and the people that deny social safety nets in US society. A president can’t do jack, yall need more political parties or something. Maybe if all the states go easy on marijuana and the feds get cool with it people can mellow enough to allow both the social safety nets and the 1 gun per person policy that’s currently in effect.

Gun reduction would be swell, but that murder & incarceration rate will drop precipitously if you get them nets in place someday.


If the gentleman who pulled the trigger in this instance also gets shot in the head, my only regret would be that his death would likely be fairly quick.

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I vote we officially change this to “Coprologists” based on what they’re attempting to defend…

As the officer was walking from the home to his patrol car, a woman a few houses away called out to him, saying her sister and the girl’s mother, Andrea Ellis, had cut herself.
The officer was at the doorway when a dog charged at him, Alex-Bouzounis said.

The officer fired once, missing the animal but striking the girl in the right leg.

Columbus police officer injures 4-year-old while shooting at dog | The Columbus Dispatch

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Damn right. NEVER, NEVER, NEVER ask the police for help. This is what happens. They just assume your guilty and armed.


I’d give you a :gift_heart:, but it doesn’t really say what I mean … :anguished:


Yes, you’re more similar to us in NZ than your neighbours to the south. Unfortunately we’re both currently stuck with right-wing governments in thrall to the idiocy that’s happening down there …


A little info that might lend light to the craven coward “it’s coming at us” clusterfuck.

I see that these heroes were part of the Security Services Division of the LAPD.

This is what the police union had to say about them when they were brought in as sworn officers of the LAPD:

The LAPD is budgeted for 9,963 sworn police officers. An estimated 37 General Services security guards would transfer into LAPD as sworn officers. To keep the department at 9,963 officers, LAPD will cancel its July class at the Police Academy. Another 97 security guards are expected to transfer into a newly created arm of the department, called the Security Services Division.

Labor groups, who accused the mayor of going through the back door to reach his goal of 10,000 sworn police officers, do not support the plan. Representatives with the Coalition of L.A. City Unions and General Services Police Officers Association complained that the duties of sworn officers do not coincide with those of security guards who patrol city buildings, the Los Angeles Zoo, libraries and parks.

Edit: not that the the regular LAPD would have reacted any differently (probably would have roughed him up a bit before shooting)


I would love to see these open carry asshats try their stunts in LA, and see how well that goes over.

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Garbage Men Face More Risk of Death or Injury Than Cops But They Continue To Slaughter Us For the Slightest Risks. Police certainly don’t deserve to earn what they do if they are too scared to assume any risk.


A crucial point here is that it was done by a newly elected right wing prime minister. It was something which many left wing governments wouldn’t attempt.

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Sounds like you should hire a private waste disposal service.

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I have not laughed about anything to do with the police until that brilliant video. Thank you good sir.


I wasn’t a fan of John Howard when we lived in Oz, but he did good on that occasion. Hats off to him and all credit where it’s due. :+1:

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