Vultures circle GamerGate

At this point, there really isn’t much reason other than being willfully obtuse. The women who are getting death threats are not trying to pass laws to limit what content can and cannot be put in games, they are saying, “These tropes are getting tired, maybe developers could try to do better.” And other people are agreeing.

But there are people who can’t tell that from censorship. And then there are people who are just looking for any excuse to attack women. Then there are people who do what they are told just as long as there is someone in a position of authority to tell them to do it. Then there are people who are so obsessed with the idea of fighting the good fight that they take any evidence against their position as evidence of a conspiracy against them.

That’s gamergate. I’m not sure which of those people you sympathize with. If anyone introduces a bill to control the content that can be put in video games, censoring content that would portrays women in a negative light and forcing developers to monitor and justify themselves, even if it has the Zoe Quinn, Anita Sarkeesian, Secret Feminist Cabal stamp of approval, I 100% promise you that we’ll be here saying what a bad idea it is.

In the real world.