Watch: Clinton's amusing parody of GOP climate change deniers

Most of the people who are going to vote Democrat already know this very well.

Poll: Democrats say climate change a bigger threat than ISIS

This was a gimmicky ad for Hillary Clinton in order to preach to the choir while also conveniently sidetracking from the fact that, in reality, she’s likely to do every little against climate change compared to Bernie Sanders.

Bernie Sanders signed a pledge that he will not accept contributions from oil, gas or coal companies. He’s kept his word. Clinton refused to sign that pledge.

IF elected, Hillary will continue to enable Republican obstructionism and play stupid in order to appease her corporatist owners. Bernie Sanders is a part of massive, symbiotic grassroots movements that will pave the way for symbiotic action after he’s elected.

We’ll just keep spinning our wheels with Hillary Clinton for the most part. She’ll blame the Republicans for it (of course) and in the process she’ll appease the fossil fuel industry while pandering to progressives.

We need to stop falling for this crap.

Hillary Clinton is incredibly likely to bring us more war and some of her top donors will very much profit from more wars as well.

Vote on the issues and the person that has a record they don’t need to flip-flop on:

Beware of the cult of personality.

Our future shouldn’t depend on anyone that flip-flops and panders to us anymore.

Hillary Clinton’s State Department Authorized Billions in Arms Sales to Foundation Donors

I sell the things you need to be
I’m the smiling face on your TV
I’m the Cult of Personality
I exploit you
Still you love me
I tell you one and one makes three
I’m the Cult of Personality

Cult Of PersonalityLiving Colour

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