When moderators attack

Ok next time you’re among friends ask them their thoughts on the filmography of Kim Ji Woon and the novel Wool.

and just in time when maggiekb delivered another suckling-

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Let them.


Even supernatural moderators were children once…


I agree that what happens when supremacists congregate on 8chan is inconsequential, just like reddit. So why do people demand propriety over reddit comments that they can avoid easily?

I know supremacists pose a large terror threat to Americans, which is why it is better to let them be on reddit where they are not completely anonymous.

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Why should we not have a voice? A corporation has domain over its servers, and hosting white supremacist trollies is something shitty, we can encourage that they host their own content. I don’t go to Stormfront and I’m not encouraging anyone shut it down. Not that I’m complaining to Reddit over anything, but all corporations can curate the demographic they want to reach, the community they want to foster.

Well 8chan’s servers are hosted by a third party as well, which is a corporation or a similar entity in the situated country. I would also love to when meaningless corporate buzzwords like target audience and demographics became common parlance. Unless you are a shareholder, a corporations marketing strategy is not your concern.

And nobody is saying you should not have a voice. I am saying it’s silly.

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Do you expect people outside yourself to take this opinion into consideration?

But they’re not meaningless. A corporation sets the customers it wants to reach, and in the case of social media/online forums, they’re responsible for setting the tone and content of their product.

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But they’re not meaningless. A corporation sets the customers it wants
to reach, and in the case of social media/online forums, they’re
responsible for setting the tone and content of their product.

They are meaningless in common parlance. Like ‘content’ and ‘product’. These are terms to fill out quarterly reports and express nothing outside.

You can sniff all you like at the specific words but they represent necessary concepts to figure out how you’re going to make money, what you’re going to sell and who you want to sell to.

You’re my friend as much as anybody else is! So, what are your thoughts about these things?

Have I ever told you how much I love you?

Yeah, about that guy. I don’t like him.

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Well thank you. I don’t drink but I may buy you one.

I have not read the novel Wool, but I’d say Kim Ji Woon is one hell of an auteur.

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I have no clue how you guys got the family album.


it’d be great if it hate speech was inconsequential, but it’s not.

like it or not, we as individuals are constantly shaped by those around us. and there’s tons of research into how bullying, hazing, the amplifying effects of “echo chambers”, victim grooming, and the like have real world negative consequences.

so, no. the existence of forums which support hate speech is not inconsequential.

and, it’s definitely not cool to see companies profiting ( or trying to, i guess, in reddit’s case ) by enabling these communities to grow.

it should be difficult to traffic in hate speech.

i don’t know how else people can do that outside of good moderation, community norms, and encouraging companies – especially for-profit companies – to follow suit.


Well Stormfront is for profit as far as I know. I don’t know if I would surround myself with extreme xenophobes to be shaped by them to know if I’ll like it or not. As for the consequences of hate speech, I guess Mausium and I disagree with you. Either way, I do not feel entitled enough to demand that every one always conform to my morals.

@OtherMichael had a plan that just seemed to come together… It primarily involved @funruly, ‘Face’, distracting your mom.

What was this topic called again?
[looks to the sky] Oh Shhhhhhiiiiiiiiiiiiitt!!!