Why (or why not) to vote for Bernie Sanders

You’d probably really enjoy this interview with Cornel West I just read:

Cornel West Talks About Endorsing Bernie Sanders, Black Lives Matter and Donald Trump


" … I think the problem, as you can imagine, is, with Donald Trump, you’ve got somebody who is xenophobic shot through with a nativistic hostility toward immigrants. I mean, these attacks on our precious Mexican brothers and sister are just pathetic. Nobody really wants to talk about his blessed mother, Mary Anne with an “e” who was born in Scotland, or his grandfather Friedrich Drumpf — D-R-U-M-P-F. Trump is an Anglicized name from “Drumpf,” but his grandfather arrived in 1885 from Germany, and if the nativistic voices had been in place when his grandfather or when his mother arrived, they never would’ve got here.

I come from a people who have been here for 400 years. Black people built America in so many ways, along with white immigrants. But especially the slaves’ free labor built America. It’s just amazing to me that somebody like Trump — who just got here — becomes, in his mind, the definitive definer of who ought to get here.

The same is true in terms of his complicity with plutocratic corruption. He says, I have been a donor, I have been a participant in this corrupt system for 30 years. But all of a sudden now he’s going to make America great again?

No. Plutocratic corruption of government is unpatriotic. I don’t know how you’re going to be so much in love with America but you’re participating in plutocratic corruption of the system and then you wake up now 30 years later and say, “Lo and behold, I’m going to be the savior of overcoming the corruption.” No, that lacks integrity.

He has authenticity, but he doesn’t have integrity. Bernie Sanders has authenticity, but he’s also got integrity. Integrity, of course, doesn’t mean that you agree with everything that a politician does. But it’s just so rare that you get authenticity and integrity. With Trump, you get authenticity with no integrity. "