You can call me AI

Gah. People like this guy are kind of close to understanding the threat but they always seem to completely miss an important, fundamental issue. You can’t just blame the humans and call them stupid for doing the things we know humans will do when an imperfect technology is given to them:

This guy sounds like one of those self-driving-Telsa defenders who would argue that a Tesla that can drive itself perfectly 98% of the time is great, and if it gets into a crash because the human in the driver’s seat isn’t perfectly focused on supervising it and doesn’t immediately intervene during the relatively rare but potentially deadly errors, that’s on the human, not the technology. Even though it’s no secret that humans are (and always have been) terrible at that kind of task.

Technology needs to be built for the real humans that actually exist, not some fantasy hypothetical humans that these techbros seem to think that we should all be!