1 in 5 snoop on a phone belonging to a friend or loved one

I’m not a parent, but I totally get this.


Adjusted to how it would probably go with my mother.


You could try the vibrator thing (or any sex toy)… although that was just serendipity on my end; not anything I planned.

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Doubt it would work. In my late teens, she found an unrated copy of EuroTrip in my room, pronounced it “porn,” and got rid of it. It didn’t seem to change her behaviour.

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It’s different when you are an adult not living under their roof.

Unless you have one of those moms who is not embarrassed by anything, ever…

In that case, you have my sincere sympathies…

Also, damn you’re young.

Interesting wording.


‘Inadvertently,’ because I did not consciously plan such a discovery; but its thorough effectiveness totally makes me wish that I had.


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Thank you. It doesn’t often feel that way anymore. I mean, I’m still young enough to have fun with life (and still young enough to think that you have to be young to have fun with life), but I definitely notice my body not being as durable as it used to be.

I can relate; no one ever told me that aging means that your own body betrays you just a little more with each passing year… but even if they had, I likely wouldn’t have listened.


I think that the joke was more to do with the fact that “came” and “vibrator” were in the same sentence.


Oh, derp,


My family are not that confrontational. My grandmother and her sister didn’t speak to each other for 30 years (despite living less than a mile apart) rather than resolving an argument over who should pay for a cake.


Maybe I’m just bitter, maladjusted, antisocial, and ragingly paranoid; but I would be Most Displeased if someone tried to access one of my computers(of any size) without authorization. I understand why someone might do so in an openly adversarial context(eg. the classic people’s affairs getting caught out because of their phone records); but if our relationship has deteriorated to espionage, we definitely aren’t friends at that point; so I would ‘understand’ only in the sense that I’d see it as a reasonable thing for an adversary to try.

Anyone who goes hunting and doesn’t expect a nasty diplomatic incident to come of it strikes me as having boundary issues so severe as to probably be unfixable.


It is incredibly innapropriate to go through someones phone so to avoid this happening to me I have cut myself off from all my friends (who I trust completely anyway) and not have anything of any interest on my device, or going on in my life.

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I just put dick pics before and after any photo I show people. Did I say you could check out the other photos?

I don’t actually do this


Ha- I like automatic mini punishments for those that don’t jive by the rules of ettiquette. Reminds me of;


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