1920s guide on the correct postures for housework

Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2024/02/29/1920s-guide-on-the-correct-postures-for-housework.html


I prefer this posture.


Followed the link. The picture in which Ms Kellogg is kneeling seems to be about proper posture when picking something up from the floor. But why are the two women in the background holding a blanket up in front of the door?

From the internet archive


A housekeeper was heard to say, " I have so much to do I don’t know what to do first; so I think I will take my nap and get that much off my mind." She was, unconsciously, a good philosopher, for the nap enabled her to get thru her duties without worry and fatigue, actually more tiring than work itself.
Our observation of most women indicates that they want not less to do, but more health and strength- with which to labor. The average woman wastes nervous energy over unaccomplished work. The practice of exercises described in this bulletin may help women to work with increasingly good results yet with less fatigue.


The 1920 publication assumes that its audience wants to read. the 1951 publication contains large diagrams with simple excplanations.

Cornell had a large home economics department-- it has since changed it’s name to “human ecology”.


is its digital library.

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And where were these photos when the self-conscious me was learning how to talk the talk and sweep the sweep?

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