Originally published at: 1971's "The New Centurions" is a novel about "police brutality, racism, public unrest, systemic rot, and poverty" | Boing Boing
It’s a pretty grim depiction of it all iirc.
I remembered the title as a movie, although I haven’t seen it.
Fiction, you say?
Quillette? That reactionary rag? I’m not surprised they’re heralding that copsucker Wambaugh.
Ugh. At least “supposed to” is in there.
What I remember about Wambaugh’s novels is that they’re told from the cops’ perspectives, in ways that portray them as imperfect but heroic maintainers of a “thin blue line” between civilized (white) people and barbaric inner-city hordes.
As I said, I’m not surprised Quillette find his novels worth reading.
SS Different Decade, Different Century…
This timeline sucks.
Same Shit, no matter when.
It does, Doc; and NOT in the good way.
You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and transphobia.
For reals though;
@frauenfelder @Rusty_Blazenhoff @ all official BB Authors, “with a capital A”;
Can y’all please STOP linking to hate rags, thereby passively boosting their freakin’ signal?
Platforming the fascists even inadvertently is NOT ‘a wonderful thing.’
Police exploitation films and Black Exploitation films were basically intertwined in the 1970s. The one that combined them both and started an entire new genre was Sweet Sweetback’s Baadasssss Song from 1971. I was a teenager back then and went to see every one of them in both genres.
The New Centurions was a good movie if you like that kind of thing. I’ve never read the book though.
Police exploitation films and Black Exploitation films were basically intertwined in the 1970s. The one that combined them both and started an entire new genre was Sweet Sweetback’s Baadasssss Song from 1971. I was a teenager back then and went to see every one of them in both genres.
Basically intertwined? That implies that they had the same themes, and messages, when they were pretty much the opposite.
There’s a big difference between portraying (mostly white) cops as heroes holding back irredeemable urban/black hordes, and portraying black people instead as the central heroes, partly because they fight against corrupt cops.
Did you see The New Centurions @anon15383236? Kilvinski had a deal with the hookers. That is Police corruption.
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