1993 MTV video of me and Billy Idol

Talk about ahead of his time. I see proto-social media, I see self-recording, interactive media, pretty neat.

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Iā€™m disappointed in bOING bOING. Iā€™ve been an avid reader since the old Zine days and had to create an account just to say that this clearly doesnā€™t belong here.

This is obviously nothing more than the authorā€™s flagrant attempt at self-advertising!

Good day sir!



The Wikipedia article doesnā€™t specify, but Iā€™d guess the output of Director would likely be called a movie.

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Add yourself to the list, lurker!

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ā€œCyberpunkā€ was a great album. It came out when I was starting my digizine Chaos Control (at the time in Hypercard format). I emailed Bill Idol at the address included on the album, and he agreed to be interviewed. Iā€™m pretty sure it was my first email interview. I tried sending him another batch of follow-up questions, but I was on AOL at the time and their mail went down for a week and all incoming messages (including his replies to that) got lost. He didnā€™t have time to re-answer.

The interview is still online at : http://www.chaoscontrol.com/billy-idol/

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Through one of those six degrees of separation thing I kind of knew the singer for a while. We didnt get along really at all, he was dating a young woman who I knew from our college years and so there might have been some of that male jealousy thing and I suspected him of being a poseur anyway. Then again he got to do world tours as a musician and I didnt so maybe I was jealous too.

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