Cop violence summary thread:
From the recipient of said beating:
ETA: update
It’s still a problem, any way you slice it
Apparently there’s some concern that this tactic will move to Chicago this week. Things will get even uglier than they are now. We don’t trust our regular police – with good reason – so secret forces will be defended against.
I worry about the administration using similar tactics to enforce plans for reopening schools. There’s been a long history of increasing penalties for truancy (fines and jail for parents), and cases like the one below are even worse:
And that, in turn, being used as a warmup for massive voter suppression in November.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t the current Administration’s term up in January, full stop? As in, if there is no election at the normal time in November, technically Pelosi becomes the acting President in January until an election happens?
You are correct.
Something tells me she wouldn’t be a shrinking violet about that, either. Not because of arrogance or ambition, but rather a true sense of public service. It would be the only way to get him out and get a proper election (with voting rights restored) to move forward. Doing that, and stepping down after only a few months, would put her in the history books as a hero.
Absolutely. It would be a mistake on their part to try to prevent the election. I’m more worried about interference from Feds like ICE and CBP selectively preventing people from voting to skew the result.
True, as written in the constitution. The one he has shown so much respect for thus far. I have little faith such respect will manifest at that late date. I am truly worried about how this plays out.
It seems the military has had enough. I don’t think he’s going to have enough support to stand up to being physically thrown out of the White House.
Doesn’t all of Congress’ term end in January as well? I’m Canadian, so I could be wrong in this, but I think some Senator becomes acting president… it’s something like the oldest member of the majority party. There’s some tricky math involved because a third of the senators’ terms expire in January too, more than 50% of whom are Republicans so some some Democratic Senator over the age of 80 might be President (not Feinstein, her term is also up in January).
But it very intentionally ends earlier and their new term starts in early January. This means that Pelosi would already be in her next term as Speaker on Jan 20. That assumes the state/district for that representative votes and a winner is determined (outside of federal control), that Dems retain control of the house (again, determined on the local level, not fed), and the House Dems vote for Pelosi as Speaker (another thing that’s separate from Executive Branch control).