2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine (Part 3)

Russian “writer” Aleksey Sukonkin describes his vision for the future of Ukraine: he predicts the repeat of the 1950s anti-Soviet underground movement, and suggests that Russia has rich experience in eliminating resistance. Just read it, it’s even crazier than it sounds. He believes it will take Russia 20 years to establish order (kill everyone who doesn’t want the Russian world on their land).

Thought I would only read such things in history books. As insane as his words sound, I encourage people to believe this is exactly what is going to happen if we do not stop the Moskva regime and the Kremlin Ripper from achieving their goals.


Sukonkin does not seem particularly intelligent.

Soviet Union could crush the Ukrainian nationalists because they controlled all the countries bordering Ukraine, and even then it took them well into the fifties. With NATO Poland and Romania ready to funnel in resources to Ukrainian resistance, Russia could not do it.

He also forgets (like villains of his ilk always do) the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, and the enormous bleeding ulcer it became for the Soviets, markedly contributing to Soviet Union’s decay and collapse. Years-long insurgency in Ukraine would be far worse for Russians. Hell, they have already lost more men and materiel in Ukraine than they did during the entire ten-year invasion and occupation of Afghanistan.


The war in Ukraine must END!

Dammit, Marge! Don’t you think that’s what the Ukrainians want?

Angry Gi Joe GIF


Today’s essay on why the US must force Ukraine to compromise:

See if you can spot the internal contradiction in this paragraph:

Preserving Ukraine’s sovereignty matters: the United States helps the victim of blatant aggression (tragically underscored by Russia’s missile strike in Kharkiv on Thursday that claimed 51 lives), keeps Russian forces away from Nato territory, defends international law, and shows would-be invaders that crime doesn’t pay. At the same time, Biden should note that none of these objectives requires the US to support a Ukrainian attempt to liberate Crimea. Nor must Ukraine necessarily regain, prior to a ceasefire or settlement, every inch of land it has lost since February 2022.

4m ago11.13 BST

Boy, 10, and his grandmother killed in new airstrike in Kharkiv, Ukrainian officials say

Russia unleashed new air strikes on Ukraine early on Friday, killing a 10-year-old boy and his grandmother in the city of Kharkiv and damaging grain and port infrastructure in the Odesa region in the south, Ukrainian officials said.

The boy and his grandmother were killed when Russia hit Ukraine’s second biggest city with two Iskander ballistic missiles, regional governor Oleh Synehubov said.

Twenty-eight others were injured, including an 11-month-old baby, he said, according to Reuters. These claims are yet to be independently verified.

The missile attack was claimed to have destroyed much of a residential building, where rescue workers worked among the rubble.

The attacks followed a Russian missile strike on Thursday in which Ukrainian officials said dozens of people were killed in the village of Hroza in northeastern Ukraine during a gathering to mourn a fallen Ukrainian soldier.


The Useful Idiots at Code Pink have to be funded by Russian money at this point (although they themselves probably have no idea it’s happening).


Never mind Afghan style roadside IEDs as well.

Occupiers of Ukraine are gonna have to deal with some new kind of flying ambush drone every time they go outside, if it were to get to the ‘asymmetric warfare against the Occupiers’ stage.

There’s probably already some Ukrainian drone engineer working on something that’ll stooge around on its own and go ‘bang’ next to anything with a Z painted on it (or I hope there is. Flying minefields are exactly what the fuckers deserve).


Ukrainians want lasting peace. Greene wants “peace in our time”. The similarities are only superficial.

Funny how the Republicans are so weary from 1½ years of a war they aren’t even in themselves, but had no problem fighting two decades of multiple wars in the Middle East. :thinking:


I remember when Republicans hated pinkos.




With Chamberlain, at least, he had reasons for doing what he did. It was a mistake, but a very understandable one.

Empty Gee and the rest of her ilk have no such excuse.


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I disagree that is was very understandable. It can be explained, but from my POV it is difficult to understand that explanation.

I have the benefit of hindsight, admittedly. And I have a bias.

It might be an understandable mistake not to react ro Putin’s 2007 speech at the Munich Security conference and let it happen that large parts of Europe, and the world, stayed and even became more dependent on Russian gas, fertilizer made from it, Russian and Ukrainian grain - the list goes on.

It might. History will judge us.
The verdict on Chamberlain, however, is already written, at least in my book. Until further notice, I consider this an inexcusable and outright ignorant mistake.