"25 and Me" is your guide to the horrors of Project 2025

Originally published at: "25 and Me" is your guide to the horrors of Project 2025 - Boing Boing


In other words, it’s a fascist manifesto. I wish I was simply exaggerating for effect.



Project 2025 will…

  • …reform U.S. healthcare into a free market mostly regulated by states. This means patients will need to develop more healthcare expertise, rural areas may be underserved, low-income and vulnerable populations may be underserved, sicker patients may pay more, the system may be ill-equipped to handle public health emergencies, and it could lead to an overall decline in quality and safety standards. [450]
  • …reform the Affordable Care Act. This could lead to loss of coverage, reduced consumer protections and an increased financial burden for Americans. [469]
  • …reduce funding for public health by splitting the CDC and reducing its funding. This could weaken the nation’s ability to respond to public health emergencies and address critical health issues. [452]
  • …prevent the CDC from advising that school children should be masked or vaccinated, saying such decisions should be left to parents and medical providers. This could lead to increased disease outbreaks and a resurgence of preventable diseases like measles and whooping cough. [454]
  • …tax employers on workplace benefits that exceed $12,000 per worker annually. This would lead to employers cutting back on these benefits and workers paying more taxes, and would be damaging for millions of families who rely on one working adult’s employer-provided health insurance to cover dependents, such as children. [697]

If this tax was enacted, we estimate that just based on health insurance benefits in 2022 alone: (1) More than 15 million workers would have seen their benefits taxed. (2) Their taxes would have risen by more than $12 billion if employers shifted away from benefits to other forms of taxable compensation. [link]


Project 2025 will…

  • …gut protections for the LGBTQ+ community, including eliminating the Gender Policy Council. This means that the government will no longer try to protect people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or queer. [62]
  • …restrict the application of the Supreme Court’s Bostock v. Clayton County decision. This will restrict workplace protections against sex discrimination that were extended to LGBTQ+ employees. [584]
  • …rescind regulations prohibiting discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity, transgender status, and sex characteristics. This means that the government will no longer try to protect citizens who do not conform to Project 2025’s notion of “normal”. [584]
  • …eliminate the terms sexual orientation and gender identity, diversity, equity, and inclusion, gender, gender equality, gender equity, gender awareness, gender-sensitive, abortion, reproductive health, and reproductive rights among others out of every federal rule, agency regulation, contract, grant, regulation, and piece of legislation that exists. This means that these identities, concepts and topics will be “erased” in education, healthcare and cultural institutions and no longer protected or supported by government. [4]
  • …reverse policies that allow transgender individuals to serve in the military. This means that people who are transgender will no longer be able to serve in the military. [104]
  • …restrict transgender health care in Medicare and Medicaid This means that senior and low-income transgender citizens will have to pay for their own healthcare. [474]
  • …oppose transgender health care or abortion access to service members using public funds. This means that transgender service members will need to pay for their own healthcare. [104]
  • …end anti-discrimination rules based on gender identity and sexual orientation. This will significantly weaken anti-discrimination protections for LGBTQ+ individuals in healthcare settings. [495]
  • …expand religious exemptions that will allow businesses and organizations to discriminate against LGBTQ+ individuals based on religious beliefs. This will limiting access to services and opportunities for LGBTQ+ individuals. [586]
  • …restrict adoption and foster care by supporting faith-based adoption agencies that may discriminate against LGBTQ+ couples. This will limit their ability to adopt or foster children. [477]
  • …embolden Anti-LGBTQ+ sentiment. The rollback of anti-discrimination protections and the promotion of traditional values could embolden anti-LGBTQ+ sentiment and create a more hostile environment for LGBTQ+ individuals. This could lead to increased harassment, violence, and discrimination in housing, employment, and public accommodations. [451]

I know none of this is a shock or anything if you have been [paying attention, but seeing it written out is amazingly depressing. Vote like our lives depend on it. Even if yours doesn’t, your loved ones do!


This is a great effort, useful not only for this one election but as a way to fight the American right’s long-term agenda of creeping fascism. Like you say, share it widely.


Important info from Jennifer Sandlin! Share this far and wide, and know the facts when you go to vote.


This should be a giant poison pill to those who don’t care about anything but their wallets, and yet Republicans have for so long marketed themselves as the party of cutting or eliminating taxes it may be difficult to convince some voters of this.

Then again my parents suddenly discovered they loved the Affordable Care Act when confronted with the possibility of losing it.


Am I crazy, or is this not a mega case of leopards eating faces? Or do Project2025 supporters not know what it entails, not care, or think those are somehow good for the country?
Most likely a combo of all three.


They believe it will hurt the “right” people, and they are willing to give up some rights to do so. They are fascists.


Good point, I left out sheer maliciousness as a reason.


Also, I don’t understand how people with low income vote these fascists for tax cut.

The child tax credit, consolidate tax bracket, employer benefits tax, consumption tax that takes away money from who need it and gives those to the people who want more but have no need. This shit alone should sink their fascist boat to the bottom but here we are with the fucking close race.


Project 2025 will…

  • …move from the current 7 income tax brackets ranging from 10%-37% to a two bracket system with flat rates of 15% and 30% (with 30% starting around the Social Security wage base of $168,100) and eliminate most deductions, credits and exclusions. Millions of low- and middle-class households would likely face significantly higher taxes. [696]

He estimated that a middle-class family with two children and an annual income of $100,000 would pay $2,600 in additional federal income tax if they faced a 15% flat tax on their income due to the loss of the 10% and 12% tax brackets. If the Child Tax Credit were also eliminated, they would pay an additional $6,600 compared with today’s tax system, Duke said.

By comparison, a married couple with two children and earnings of $5 million a year would enjoy a $325,000 tax cut, he estimated.

“That 15% bracket is a very big deal in terms of raising taxes on middle-class families,” Duke said. [link]

  • …reduce the corporate tax rate even further to 18%. Donald Trump’s 2017 tax law cut the corporate tax rate from 35% to 21%, which meant companies paid $240 billion less in taxes from 2018 to 2021 than they would have paid. This further reduction would lead to even higher corporate profits and even lower government revenue to pay for services for the American people, while also increasing the deficit. [696]
  • …reduce the capital gains rate from 20% to 15%. This would disproportionately benefit the wealthy and lead to a loss of government revenue. [696]
  • …consider the introduction of a consumption tax, such as a national sales tax. This means that everything you buy will have an additional tax on it. [698]
  • …tax employers on workplace benefits that exceed $12,000 per worker annually. This would lead to employers cutting back on these benefits and workers paying more taxes, and would be damaging for millions of families who rely on one working adult’s employer-provided health insurance to cover dependents, such as children. [697]

If this tax was enacted, we estimate that just based on health insurance benefits in 2022 alone: (1) More than 15 million workers would have seen their benefits taxed. (2) Their taxes would have risen by more than $12 billion if employers shifted away from benefits to other forms of taxable compensation. [link]


Many of the face-eating leopard supporters are more than happy to be nibbled if that means some others are chomped.

For a sub-set, it’s called ‘owning the libs’ (“Yeah, I’m bleeding, but you’re bleeding OUT, lib-tard, so that’s all good with me”)

They have never considered that they are all haemophiliacs and the only issue is time - the leopard is never sated, and will keep nibbling or chomping, whatever. Everyone is eventually exsanguinated.

(Have I broken this analogy yet?)


Which is exactly why right wing freaks and the like were opposed to it - it’s not that it was a bad idea, it’s that it was a GOOD idea but came from the other side.
That’s why they never stopped shitting on it, why they’ve been trying to slander/cut/undermine SS, medicare, SNAP, Head Start, etc…
These are all things that make our country better for everyone.
Although there are still people who will make the oddest calculation in their head something along the lines of “Walz and Harris want to let 10 year olds get their dicks cut off, so I’m voting for Trump - even though Project 2025 will negatively impact me”.


Even worse it DIDN’T originally come from the other side. It was based on Romney’s plan, but watered down.


That’s the basis of Republican culture war politics. Get people to vote against their interests by making the election about “values” – abortion, school prayer, gun control or anything else that can be used to drive a wedge between socially conservative working class people and the Democratic Party.


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