Read J.D. Vance's foreword to Project 2025 book

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But TNR reports that it has not in fact dissolved itself, as other media (and Trump himself) suggest.

The Heritage Foundation only fired its head of policy (Paul Dans), in an attempt to get the corporate media to report that they killed Project 2025 (and many outlets seem to have done just that). It was a clumsy scapegoat move that has changed nothing in terms of intent by both the think tank and Biff’s campaign.

Kevin Roberts, the Nat-C who commissioned Project 2025, is still in charge of the org and is now effectively its acting head of policy. The plan still exists and will be carried out if Il Douche and his minions (esp. Vance) get into office.

That the ratings-obsessed reality TV host and his campaign discovered it’s creepy and disturbing to 70%+ of voters and are pretending to disavow it is besides the point. We should continue to hang it around his neck so that he can’t take power and implement it.


If nothing else the fact that the book Vance has written a forward for is still to be published should tell people that the proponents of Project 2025 are still pushing it.


“It’s fine to take a laissez-faire approach when you are in the safety of the sunshine. But when the twilight descends and you hear the wolves, you’ve got to circle the wagons and load the muskets.”

Umm - and writ large, circling the wagons (when there are no wagons and there are millions to be protected from the ‘wolves’, not just a few dozen wagon-people) is today called things like ‘law’ and ‘government’.

But this fuckwit sees the law and government as the wolves. Together with his other intolerant world views, I suggest he is removed from all protections from these ‘wolves’.

(Yeah. Karl Popper comes to mind again.)


Or is it the libs that are the wolves?


" notice to anyone or any group trying to misrepresent their influence with President Trump and his campaign—it will not end well for you,"

So now the campaign is openly threatening people?


i’m so confused. i thought we were the sheep

Shaun The Sheep What GIF by Aardman Animations


Same thing, most of the time, to these fuckwits. Libs made abortion legal. Libs want gun laws tightened. Etc., etc., et fucking cetera. Libs beleive law and government are for making a more equitable civic society. Fuckwits believe law is for getting even and govt is only ok if controlled by a dictator.


Nah… we’re cats!

cats horses GIF


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