26 anti-Muslim groups gained over $100 million from charitable organizations in America

I just had a look at it.

No. That manual would not have remotely sufficed for him. Not at the scale he was working at. He required the extra bit he got from Uncle Sam himself.


The difference now is the industrial “philanthropy” that can amass hundreds of millions of dollars to promote it.



Re: Pubplic perceptions of terrorism.

When I first heard about the recent synagogue hostage situation in Texas, I initially assumed it was going to be some right-wing Neo-Nazi type. So…progress? Though this is a sample of one. 20 years ago I probably would not have assumed that.

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In 2019 or so, while arguing the election, had a RW idiot quote “The Tree of Liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”, and I was apparently the first to tell him that was the tshirt McVeigh was wearing when caught.


But what does NOI have to do with Islam, besides the name? :rofl:

I know, public perception and all that.


as a longtime agnostic i haven’t got much use for any religion except as a cultural artifact significant only inasmuch as it intersects with my life. that said, i generally have as much respect for a particular religious group as its members have respect for me and my lack of religious faith. i know and have known muslims and their families.

during my teaching career i have taught several muslims of both the shia and sunni varieties and had interactions with their parents. i’ve never had any negative interactions with any of them. i had casual friendships with a couple of the parents after their children had moved on past 6th grade. my teammates at the 6th grade level tended to be laid back about differences among the students. indeed, students who were outside the norm of small town texas would frequently be assigned to my team because we were able to treat such students with equanimity and respect.

there were never any problems with members of my team trying to convert our muslim students to fundamentalist christianity, something that happened with a particular 7th grade science teacher in my district. a science teacher who also refused to teach anything about evolution. while his views on evolution flew under the radar for many years, proselytizing to his muslim students ended up in front of the school board which didn’t go over very well so he received a letter of reprimand in his file and was ordered to stop doing that. he felt that infringed his first amendment rights and resigned. he later got a job with a private school not too far from the district i taught in.

i consider it tragic that religious differences are so frequently used to divide people and even more tragic that it seems so easy to do, even in our modern, interconnected, and interdependent world. does it surprise me that such things as you describe happen here in the states? no. but it disappoints me greatly and often.


i own a copy of that manual. in the 70s and 80s it was routinely available at army surplus stores across central texas.


At this point I would just like to know brands that aren’t donating to this or any other nut jobs, have good supply chains and believe in equality.


No arguments there.


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