Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/10/09/5-year-old-boy-obsessed-with-kraftwerk-says-parent.html
Who isn’t?
I listened to Kraftwerk as 5-year-old, too Because it was just there.
It’s always good to know who the operator is.
OP probably could get away with a little Kompressor now and then.
Wow, that kid’s controlling. And composing.
I know I wasn’t that cool at 5.
maybe they could slyly introduce him to Neu! or something?
Hey, anything that isn’t a Coldplay obsession is fine with me. Let him eat Kraftwerk!
Ja tvoi sluga, ja tvoi rabotnik!
Slow news day?
There’s worse for your kid to be obsessed with.
My youngest had a period where he was obsessed with J.S. Bach wohltemperierte klavier. That was nice, we could do that for a while. Though I the found out that even Bach has a saturation point. After that he went through a purple hippo phase. That was less entertaining.
Send the wee Man Machine my way. I’ve got the English language versions, the German language versions, live stuff, you name it. And hey, count your blessings, when my kid was 5 he would intentionally torture me hour after hour with Billy Joel.
My kid was totally obsessed with a certain movie, starting around age 4. He must have watched it 200 times, knew all the characters, wanted to pretend being all the characters, and wanted his parents to pretend to be them, too. This was our first (and only) child, so we just went along with it. He had some speech problems, and school problems, but we dealt with them. Said kid eventually grew tired of the movie but he moved on to other “special interests” that were equally as absorbing. He was diagnosed as being on the autism spectrum but not right away. In retrospect, knowing what we know now about him and autism (a lot more), we should have picked up on it right away, and we would have done a lot of things differently and better, especialy getting better and more informed support for him.
Kids can have really good taste in music if we don’t force them to listen to stuff that’s allegedly designed for them. When my daughter was five, her favorite song was “TV Set” by the Cramps (Spoon cover version in particular). Now she’s nine and I think the lyrics would scare her, but I had this brief window in time when I could listen to the Cramps all I wanted when she was around.
I was certainly obsessed with them when I was 15. They weren’t yet formed when I was 5.
They should tie him to a chair for 6 hours & play the Beatles at him.
Isn’t an obsession with Kraftwerk one of Piaget’s developmental stages?
Maybe ease into some 80s synth/pop? Early Human League, Depeche Mode, etc. The RELATION to Kraftwerk might just uh, work