50 Great Cult Films

Has anyone here ever seen the Michael Almereyda film “Twister” (1989) with Harry Dean Stanton and Crispen Glover?

You watch it and think it was kind of boring, but then it just sticks with you and doesn’t let go. Eventually it’s a great movie and you want to share it with your friends. And they watch and don’t get it, but a couple weeks later come back and thank you. It’s a really unique kind of low-key cult movie (except the Crispen Glover song, which is just bat-shit perfect cult fare).



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It’s on Ringer’s other list:


I don’t really know that all that much is spoiled by knowing this in advance of watching the show. Yes, it’s a major plot point but when her killer was revealed it was basically treated as a mid-season afterthought. I think the network suits liked having a central mystery to market around while Lynch clearly had other ideas. [Rescinding my previous statement.] In my opinion the show was always more about the characters and supernatural locale over an overarching murder mystery.

Fire Walk With Me was highly underrated indeed, and Sheryl Lee’s performance is a tour de force. That bring said, it’s hardly what I’d call “entertaining” - it’s basically an uncomfortable two hour long assault.


I was not prepared for that from the first time I saw it.

I remember watching it on VHS with the short film Drumstruck as a palate cleanser:


Well, who killed LP was the central mystery of the show, and once the secret was revealed, I think the audience began to drop off. So, apparently some people cared.

Also, I think you have it reversed about the suits and Lynch. Lynch did not want the mystery to be solved, at least not nearly so soon. It was the suits who insisted on solving the murder in season two. I don’t know why it was solved in the middle of the season. Perhaps because the network executives were in a rush. I suspect the unusual placement of this major climax in the middle of the season may have had something to do with the conflict between Lynch’s ideas and the network’s, “compromises” were reached and things went awry.


I could have it backwards. It seems like so many aspects were a shit show behind the scenes. At least Lynch got to go balls to the wall with the amazing revival series that was on Showtime.


None of those movies hold a candle to Night of the Lepus.


Bill and Ted’s Excellent Adventure
Kentucky Fried Movie


Them’s fightin’ words! I’m known for my super fandom of the film. Last time I saw it was my 326th time. I’m actually pretty glad it’s gotten a cult following as it didn’t do very good during its original theatrical release.

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Except in Winnipeg, home of Guy Maddin.

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The Showtime revival was sublime. It was so sad seeing an “In Remembrance of…” after almost every episode. It really is a miracle that it got made.

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Giant carnivorous rabbits ftw!


the thing about cult classics is most people don’t like them


Not even Rollergator?


Is this explained somewhere?

That message is generated automatically when a message is flagged enough times. A moderator will eventually look at the actual message and decide whether to restore it or delete it, and the moderator’s decision is final.

You can look at the General Moderation Topic under “meta” on the BBS for announcements about suspensions and bans, but the moderators do not have time to explain every ruling.

No, I know what the message means – I’ve experienced it plenty of times myself – I’m wondering why it was flagged. It is pretty unusual to flag one of the chief BB bloggers, and I couldn’t find any objection to the post suggested in any of the comments in the thread.

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Yeah, that is pretty odd, but the system kicks into action automatically when a certain threshold is reached with respect to flags. It looks like maybe a practical joke went bad or someone holding a grudge perhaps? It is odd that this post was even open to user flags…

Us mere mortals do not get to see who flagged it, but if these flags were made in bad faith, I would hope that whoever did it is punished.

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Every film listed, in the OP and in the thread, has one thing in common: all the directors are male.