58 killed and at least 515 injured by gunman in Vegas

You: Let’s stop trying to take the easy way out by blaming inanimate objects for our problems. Let’s look at the real problems.

Me:Like say, masculinity?

You:I I’m gonna go out on a limb and suspect that it was more than that.

Me: Just as you didn’t ask for just one relevant problem, I didn’t at all say that masculinity is the only relevant problem. Why are you putting words in my mouth?


Figuratively speaking, I hate giving ammunition to hoplophobes, but you can easily make an AR-15 automatic with two pieces of sheet metal. It’s called a lightning link. Be warned, that link is to a PDF.

Literally speaking, I love giving ammunition to hoplophobes. I think it’s hilarious.

Edit: in retrospect, I can see how it might look like I was talking about shooting people. I wasn’t, I was just making a pun. I’m assuming that’s why this got flagged.

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Sounds good to me, honestly, at this point.


I don’t think the type of attacks are comparable, but whether I think the same measures would work or not is beside the point. You are spot-on that carrying a gun is easier than getting 500 kg of explosives (and getting them to work in their target area). Getting a car, however, is much easier. =(

But your post set me of a tangent. A while back, I heard about recent research in the fields of architecture and landscape planning. Apparently, public building planning and even the planning of greenery are adapting to both truck attacks and bombings. There was stuff quoted about Thuya hedges taking the energy out of a blast and slowing down flying glass.

I was quite shocked at the time. Sure, societies adapt to dangers and threats. But this seems so… accepting. I thought we’d better deal with the shit before it hits the fan.

Reading this thread, and other reactions to the killings in Las Vegas reminds me how naïve I must be.


HA HA HA HA HA so funny :unamused:


Well, we can fight the divine right to unhindered access to military gear, even though it was handed down to us on those stone tablets.


so does the link between ellipses used to hint at something unkind, and being punched in the nose!

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When it’s your, or your kids, time for the ride, your acquiescence won’t have helped.


I think the connection can be very rewarding to explore. YMMV.

How else could he possibly disagree with you?



That post was like 20 pages long.

My finger is actually tired.

A pointer to your blog would do well.


I’m genuinely unsure what the problem is here. What point do you think the gpp is trying to make, and what is wrong with it?
(It’s a request for information because I don’t understand it and would like to, the gpp is a very occasional poster with some odd posts, but if this is a specific trolley or right wing talking point I’d like to be able to recognise it in future.)

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Thanks for asking!

Why are ‘we’ talking about medications, right?

It’s a speculation built atop an unkind speculation made from fear, reeks of scapegoating, changes the subject - and the implication of the statement is that the mentally ill are dangerous, more so when medicated (neither are anywhere near accurate) AND that the CDC is dropping the ball somehow.

A whole lotta FUD.

That that user responded with a degrading direct insult rather than an intelligent or compassionate question (as yourself) rather makes my point.


Sorry about that; trimmed.


I’m just complain’, don’t let me order you around. Seriously, a thread to dump stuff in and point to here is cool I figure.

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Restating the answer the Mouse gave, because this is important.

Deflecting responsibility for gun violence onto the mentally ill has become a key part of the gun lobby’s talking points over the last few years. This point has been reinforced by the establishment Dem’s enthusiastic adoption and retransmission of it.

It is a derailing tactic, and it is a very dangerous one.

Now is not the time to acquiesce in efforts to disarm and disempower the mentally ill and disabled.

We are not the threat; we are, however, traditionally amongst the first victims of fascism.


Thanks for that. It isn’t the length which worries me. But I quit twitter for a good reason. It’s bad for my wellbeing. Your links are already filtered through your POV, but still, that twitter feel… /o\


I’m going to say that most people never, ever have that happen. As such, I think it’s quite a red herring.

In the interests of accuracy, I got to point out that a lot of those injured are likely to be stampede casualties, from the crowd (understandably!) panicking and people getting trampled or crushed against fences and such. Not that it makes the situation any less grim, or the shooter’s crime any less horrifying.

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The difference is that used Kenworth is nearly 40 grand, an AR will run from 1000 to 15K, with used hunting rifles available near 100 dollars.
Also good luck learning how to drive a semi with no training,those things bear as much resemblance to a car as a dingy does too a super tanker.
Any idiot with 10 minutes can load a magazine and shoot it off.

Well that’s perfectly fine. All I’m objecting to is people concealing or obfuscating their actual position. You are for the practical end of private firearms ownership enforced by a nationwide confiscation, yes? That’s a legitimate position.

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