69-year-old man sues to legally change his age because he identifies as a 49-year-old



I took the onerous task of finding an image of Donald Glover, who was pretty darn cool as Lando. Sexier images may be available…


This action seems plenty transphobic to me. Why isn’t that enough? Also, the fact that it’s all about getting laid by younger women is fucking gross.


It also forgets the existence of bisexual men.


It’s transphobic if he’s insincere. However in addition to the other things I mentioned, he is also spending thousands of $ on a lawyer and he’s asked the government to stop his pension. That seems pretty damn sincere. Is he doing all this just to trolley trans people? You seem to think it’s “all about getting laid”…not “all about driving trollies trans people”? If he’s sincere, it’s the opposite of transphobic…he’s essentially saying “trans people have a valid claim” (and so do I).

I don’t think “gross” is a word that should ever be applied to personal sexual preferences. That’s the basis of much homo- and trans-phobia.

The dehumanization of women is fucking gross. I’m a human being and my worth as a human being doesn’t go away when I age. There is nothing wrong with people being attracted to what they’re attracted to. But treating women like conquests is dehumanizing. We’re not warm holes for men to stick their dicks in.

Of course he’s not sincere! Just because he spent some money, doesn’t mean he’s sincere.


Sure…“unless they are gay or bi, men don’t find other men sexually attractive, but that doesn’t mean “ugh” or disgust is an appropriate response”. Better now?

Old men being attracted to younger women isn’t the gross part.

A lecherous old man lying about his age so he can hook up with younger women who would never consider dating him otherwise is gross.

If you use dishonesty to get into someone’s pants then you are a bad and gross person.


That’s assuming he is insincere /begging the question.
Consider “a man lying about his gender so he can hook up with men /women who wouldn’t consider dating him otherwise is gross”. That’s straight out of the transphobe play book, and is an eternal trope of the “if you go to Thailand, watch out for the chicks with dicks” thing.

It’s also pretty rare. Most transgender people are honest with their sexual partners about their biology. The trans rights movement isn’t led by people saying “I should be able to have an easier time hooking up for casual sex on Tinder,” as this jerk is.


Isn’t that exactly what you are doing to dutch guy? “He’s a lecherous old man and what younger woman would ever want to fuck him”? False consciousness seems to be a thing here.

You are missing the point. Transphobes claim that all transgender people are lying by definition. “They are men pretending to be women”. Contrast with “he’s an old guy pretending to be a younger guy”

Transgender people aren’t seeking recognition of an objectively untrue claim regarding their biology. No trans man is saying “I want legal recognition of my Y chromosome and giant testicles.”


Exactly what part of that doesn’t prove he wants to lie about his age in order to sleep with women??? Those are the words coming out of his own mouth. So there is no false assumption or discrimination in disapproving of an arrogant, egotistical jerk who wants to deceive women into sleeping with him.


Yes, of course. They are seeking legal recognition of self-identified gender. Dutch dude is seeking legal recognition of self-identified age, which he claims is a social construct similar to gender.

The argument is that he isn’t lying because he self-identifies as 49; just as a transgender person isn’t lying when they self-identity.

One purpose of analytic philosophy is to illuminate the inconsistencies and hypocrisies that arise when people engage in motivated reasoning, particularly with respect to out-groups. If you find that a position you take leads repeatedly to contradictions when the same principles are applied to equivalent situations, then it’s a sign that either something is wrong with your position, or the situation isn’t equivalent in a relevant aspect/axiom. This is what Tuvel’s paper was about.

Which is a nonsensical comparison since we use the same metric to measure the age of EVERYTHING (i.e. trips around the sun). We don’t say a 1972 Corvette is 5 years old because it sat in a garage for 40 years.


Is it? We no longer conflate biological sex and gender, although we used to, since we realize that gender is a self-identified partly social construct that is separate from biological sex. We have two different words/phrases: “(biological) sex” and “gender”. We don’t yet have two different words for chronological age and self-identified social age, but the fact that we don’t have words for it doesn’t mean the comparison is nonsensical.

By his own words, he has acknowledged he isn’t really 49, but is willing to misrepresent himself in order to trick women into sleeping with him, a.k.a. fraud.

That has absolutely nothing to do with gender self-identification and everything to do with a narcissistic worldview that values a person’s own gratification beyond any other concern, regardless of what consequences it has for others. They will tell any lie and twist any argument to inflate their own egos and appear superior to all others.

This has nothing to do with transgender concerns and everything to do with character-- or a lack of it, in the case of this particular gentleman.