69-year-old man sues to legally change his age because he identifies as a 49-year-old

You’ll notice that he’s okay with arguing it’s equivalent to being transgender as long as it’s negative, but when I point out that this genital essentialism means I get to be two women (probably a positive), there’s crickets.


I’m going to add “genital essentialism” to my vocabulary immediately. It really is nonsense.

(Unlike age. I’m sure age has some social constructs that none of us know how to unpack around it, but we really are referencing an objective fact about the movement of the Earth around the Sun.)


Rubbish, that’d only be true if the game was rigged!
Ah, fuck…


I call Band Name; tracks include “None of your business”, “Keep them wagons driving trollies” and “Oxygen of publicity (Keep them gasping)”.


Speaking of genital essentialism, one of the sadder (in terms of disappointment in someone I thought was better, relative to the actual horrors of the time) things I stumbled across lately was that Graham Linehan has taken up the TERF cause and has labeled any trans ally as “anti-woman”. :frowning:


Has he finally? I saw a few items a while back that seemed like he was inching that way by accident in trying to please everyone but it definitely felt to me like he was siding more with the TERFs.
I’m totally with you in the “disappointed, expected better” feeling.


He’s pinned tweets where he calls anyone pro trans rights “anti woman” and the term TERF “misogynistic”.


Sounds like an insufferable bigoted asshole with an agenda.

Personally, I’m a woman and a feminist who supports Trans-rights, just as I support all human rights; there’s nothing anti-woman or misogynistic about my beliefs.


Fair enough, then he can feck off.


That’s how it should go. Excluding any group* is the Road To Assholery.

*Nazis don’t count.


This Graham Linehan?



Yup. That Graham Linehan.

Sorry to disappoint.


Fucking A. That’s why we can’t have nice things…


Sigh. Ok I’ll bite, if you insist. I didn’t answer because biological sex essentialism is irrelevant to this discussion (gender clearly isn’t 100% biological).

  1. nobody said anything about genitals. Gamete size is the plainest marker for biological sex, and it’s a binary (female = few large gametes, male = many small ones). Sure, some people have no gametes at all, but that’s not a spectrum.

  2. i didn’t argue age is equivalent to being transgender, his argument from self-identity is equivalent (logically) to the argument from self-identity of transgender people (see the Tuvel paper). Completely different thing.

I’m noticing a pattern in this thread. .“is this guy never going to shut up!?! How long is this thread going to go!!”… Then comes up with another objection with the intent of getting him started again


A person’s gender identity is an inherent trait, like being left-handed or gay. It’s not like people who spend their whole lives feeling perfectly comfortable as a cisgender heterosexual just wake up one day and change their minds. Trans people describe their dilemma as “being a woman born in a man’s body” or vice versa.

This man DOES NOT ACTUALLY BELIEVE he is 49 years old. He didn’t spend the first two decades of his life feeling like he didn’t exist. He did not self-identify as a newborn baby on his 20th Birthday. He doesn’t have the same lived experience a Gen-Xer would have. He almost certainly isn’t interested in giving up any assets or benefits he earned over the last 20 years.

He is merely making the dubious claim that his BODY looks like that of a 40-something and he should be valued accordingly. That’s basically the opposite of what trans people claim.


Isn’t this discussion about someone who wants to be dishonest on Tinder? I’m pointing out that it’s not exactly an unusual occurrence.

Most people who want to be dishonest on Tinder aren’t filing suits in court to get their birth certificate changed to match their Tinder lies.


Ok, that’s a great counter-argument. Finally. Is it a relevant difference? Suppose gender dysphoria only arises later in life, say when someone is 25. Does that invalidate their claim to gender identity? No it does not.

Must be because the dude has such high moral principles. Lol. No, he’s a sleezy fuck-stick from the sounds of it.

He is asking the govt to cancel his pension. He is making more than the claim that he looks 40-something. He is claiming that he feels 40- something, and identifies as a 40 something.