Someone set up a weather station there. It shows they got a little over half an inch over the course of a day. The peak rainfall was just 0.19 inches/hour. They got a little rain a couple days later as well.
It was more rain than normal, certainly, but it wasn’t an extreme wrath of gods punishing us for our hubris event people seem to be making it out to be.
If Delta, Utah (37 km away) is similar enough, then the site’s average monthly rainfall is under an inch. So it’s fair to say they got an order of magnitude more rain than usual.
I linked to the weather station at burning man with the directly measured rainfall.
All the inch stuff were estimates. And just because the average monthly rainfall is under an inch doesn’t mean it’s an order of magnitude more - it only rains 1-2 days in Septembers - it just normally happens later in the month.
In no way could this be called extreme weather. Unseasonably early? Sure. But the real pain was the mud and it became muddy before most of the rain had fallen because they’re camped in a lake bed.
Edit: Also, Delta, Utah is 600 km away. The area around Black Rock desert actually gets less rain than Delta, though historical data for the area is patchy.
I V quickly learned that at the snooty private school. Some of them, and a lot more of the public school’s rich kids, were really cool to all their fellow humans. They certainly were the minority, and were generally also smarter - and weirder - than the snobs.
Some of them, and a lot more of the public school’s rich kids, were really cool to all their fellow humans. They certainly were the minority, and were generally also smarter - and weirder - than the snobs.
Even so, it’s a lot easier to be nice when you’re rich.
What I’d like to know is how does this compare with the usual end of Burning Man. Did it really change all that much for the end, other than shifting it by a day or two?
I just couldn’t understand why so many of the rich kids at the private school were so nasty. Boys w/whom I’d never even conversed hurled insults at me.
A few of them cut it out after seeing I could throw and hit softballs further than they could baseballs. I was a hero come the Spring, with all those grand slams.