Originally published at: A 1936 animated gem to usher in spring | Boing Boing
Hey, it’s ROYGBIV, not GBIVROY!
The music during the first minute is an orchestrated version of Grieg’s “Til Våren”, usually translated as “To Spring”. Originally for the piano, this is the first time I’ve heard it orchestrated this way.
I hadn’t intended to watch the whole thing but just got sucked in. Good one
Roy-G-BIV is a Commie Mutant Traitor!
I’m amazed at how invested I got in the struggles of the lever guy.
Miners = Dwarves
ETA: near the end of the text in the wiki link, there’s a reference to ‘elves’. I don’t think that’s right, FWIW.
I feel like that wording kind of slides over their purpose. It seemed to me they were not just “heralding”, but literally [ha ha, “literally”, in a cartoon? Well, you know what I mean…] producing the pigments to infuse the black-and-white Winter landscape with Springtime color.
(Hmm…Rusty, you live in California, don’t you? Maybe you have color outdoors year round. Here in Minnesota, it really becomes mostly black-and-white outdoors in the winter, barring some evergreens. Maybe that’s why I interpret the cartoon the way I do!)
Yes, but I notice they’re all wearing underpants, so I call “Underpants Gnomes”.
Wee-folk, for sure.
Yes I did happen to watch a Leprechaun (1993) marathon that was airing this St. Patrick’s day.
Abolutely wonderful. I watch it every year, and delight it got play here on BB.
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