Originally published at: A 7-11 in Monterrey Mexico has a tree growing through it | Boing Boing
I’m no arborist, but I feel like that’s going to cause some problems later.
How would they prevent water from coming into the building?
I’ve been in a fare share of buildings with an arboretum built in.
But those are either greenhouses or basically donut holes in the building where you’re technically outside.
This isn’t that and I just don’t see how they could prevent water intrusion and mold by allowing a living tree to pass through.
If you’re curious this is what the plaque says.
‘‘Se decidió mantener este nogal en el interior de la tienda para respetarlo, cuidarlo y motivar a que otras construcciones hagan lo mismo’’
''It was decided to keep this walnut tree inside the store to respect it, take care of it, and motivate other "
And here’s a view from the outside.
To motivate other trees?
Yeah the other trees just weren’t giving 110%
If being king of Ithaca ends up not working out for him this seems like the 7-11 for Odysseus to become manager of.
Good question. You’d need something to seal the roof without it being something that the tree would grow over, eventually damaging the tree. I suspect there’s probably not an easy “place it and forget it” option, but more likely something you’d have to adjust / maintain semi-regularly.
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