Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2019/06/17/the-tree-that-inspired-dr-seu.html
Lately, it seems as if the trees have given up on letting others speak for them. The statements so far have been a bit “on the nose”, but no less trenchant for it.
Loved to death, alas.
I imagine the tree speaking “It’s time to stop having every hip restaurant interior incorporating reclaimed wood”. Just before it gets sliced up and spends a few years silently screaming on the walls of a CBD-infused pressed juice joint.
I like how the White House lawn is dead there now after Trump dug it up
It’s like even the ground itself there is being killed by him along with our Liberty
This man is poison even to Nature around him
This news doesn’t bode well for the state of things…
Sounds like a message.
This may be the tree that specifically inspired “The Lorax”, but La Jolla is full of trees that resemble Suessian creatures.
One has fallen. Make it count.
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