A bed bug expert offers the hungry blood-suckers his own arm to feast on

Originally published at: A bed bug expert offers the hungry blood-suckers his own arm to feast on | Boing Boing

Yeah I think I need a unicorn chaser after that and so has anyone who’s ever dealt with these bastards.

Actually, skip the chaser I need straight booze.


Sea Creature Running GIF


Could be worse. . . I guess. . . .

I really enjoy entomology, except for the ones that really enjoy eating/drinking live entomologist (and other humans).

A coworker ended up with bedbugs after a trip, and getting rid of them was REALLY difficult. The problem is that they have become resistant to the insecticides after years being repeatedly exposed to them in hotels. They had to heat the whole house to a super high temperature (something like 150F) for an extended period. It worked but it was not cheap.

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