A BMW painted with Vantablack

Car culture involves money and petroleum, which is why it’s hard to be blithe about it as personal expression; every time i see a Tesla, I don’t think “Oho, self-expression!” I think “Motherf***er, you could have TIED A PRIUS TO EACH FOOT LIKE A ROLLER SKATE and still had money left over!”

Liking this car puts you in the same philosophical camp as every dimwit with a clean pickup on my block: Sure, cars are murder machines poisoning us, but GIMMEE DA SHINY.

You should have to prove you NEED any car you buy that costs over 50k, with huge taxes as well. Looking at this BMW doesn’t feel me with desire, just sadness – and yeah, making a car LESS visible is idiotic.

Driver of an American-made hybrid, in a one-car family,


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My dream car is anodyzed titanium – every color of the rainbow (literally) shifting with the angles of view and light.

And no trouble at all seeing it.


Generalisation is too general. YMMV. Many models do have rear lights lit when front DRL are on. E.g. many Volvos and (so I am told) some Hondas and Toyotas - among others, probably.

My scooter is a BNW or Bet’N’Win. (It could be worse, in Australia that model was the Ego, and they had another model the Grand Dink. Kymco’s name-stuff-dept got better over time.)

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They don’t paint the windshield…

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How… enlightening! :sunglasses:


When I lived in Seattle most people just drove around with their headlights on all day

Seems like a reasonable safety measure actually

I don’t know why everybody doesn’t do that

Having separate “daytime running lights” just makes things unnecessarily complicated


i don’t know about volvos but my toyota with daytime running lights as well as my sister’s toyota with daytime running lights are not configured to have the rear lights on. my wife’s honda, my niece’s honda, and my best friend’s honda (all different models) suffer from the same limitation-- daytime running lights but no rear lights.

in the late afternoon or during inclement weather, a car painted as that one is would be an extreme road hazard.



there’s probably more machining goodness at the original source:

shame that they haven’t heard of 4k.

What’s the fading mechanism for platinum black?

I’ve heard that car dealers in many of the Northern states will order their new stock with “Canadian light” options as it’s the law on the other side of the border.

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