Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/04/15/a-bunch-of-live-crabs-broke-ou.html
It was a case of CRABVID-20! Looks like it’s spreading rapidly!
Well, what kind of crabs are they? I assume they’re delicious.
The one about 30 seconds in is the most bad-ass crab I’ve ever seen. I can almost hear her internal monolog:
“F’you guys. You think a styrofoam cooler is gonna stop me? I’m outta here”.
(ex-FL guy here; you think crabs are cute until you get a week-long paper cut on your finger).
unfortunately apparently my privacy settings are so high i can’t even see a link to the video
I have NoScript + uBlock but haven’t changed anything recently. On latest Firefox.
i’m kinda jealous of those crabs, getting to ride on the luggage carousel. i’ve always wanted to do that.
You’re susposed to let the flight attendant check them with the coats. They’ll call you to the front when you land. “Will the gentleman that gave me a case of crabs please come to the front of the plane”
It’s actually a species of land crab, Cardisoma guanhumi, that’s found throughout the Caribbean, even Florida. Bahamians relish the fat in their carapace and use it for “crab n’ rice.” They leave their holes to forage at night and that’s the best time to catch them.
I worked at a place that was using crayfish as garnish.
They came in live.
We had a dishwasher that was an unusual kind of guy,
tourettes, probably among other issues.
A crayfish escaped from the walk-in in the basement
where he was alone.and seemed to chase after him.
He was sure that reality had cracked and sent a murder-bug.
I wonder if they taste like coconut.
They wonder if I taste like chicken.
They are probably wondering the same about you…
Good part: They are eaten in Taiwan and South Seas islands
Bad part: The huge ones are several decades old and the species may be threatened.
Yep, coconut crabs are threatened or endangered in much of their range. They’re actually related to hermit crabs. Apparently they DO pick up a coconut flavor.
I know that air travel can make some passengers crabby, but this is a bit much.
Yeah crabs are ‘recyclers’ or carrion eaters, muck and filth is just a garnish for their meals. They stick their claws into anything rotten NOM NOM! I crab off a kayak up here in N CA and once got nipped on the end of my finger, drew a bit of blood… I washed it w water, then paddled back to shore and washed again and then scrubbed it with a alcohol wipe. Still got infected. Hurt like the dickens and to this day that finger is a tiny bit smaller where that little sh!t got me. But that one was particularly tasty…
I had the same issue. I just figured it was my corp network being wonky. Or the page was broke since some of the html was visible.
Yes, I switched from my corp laptop to my dev box which lives in a another domain and isn’t so oppressed and the video loads there fine.