A bunch of people lift a house and move it to a new spot

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Ain’t that something. Nice to see people working together to complete a project, and on time too.


The Amish video looks like “the luggage” from Terry Pratchett


I’ve still never seen a house fly, but at least I’ve seen one walk.


I always expect there to be one person going “I got it! I got it!.. I ain’t got it”.


In Chiloe, a big island in southern Chile this is common, it’s called “Minga”, and they use the surrounding sea to transport the house … https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dr0osSlX1S0


Close, it is from Indonesia. This type of traditional village collaboration is called Gotong Royong

House moving, Pindahkan Rumah is a special discipline within it.

Don’t miss the movie…


Unions frown on this behavior.

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Those people didn’t move that house, the government did.

wut :confused:


My great-grandfather Oscar bought a shotgun house (a type of Southern row house) from my great-uncle Herman back in 1946. This was in rural Louisiana. The house was on a hill on the other side of the church road. It needed to be on my grandfather’s lot all the way across a 15 acre pasture that has a big hill in the middle of it.

The final solution involved roughly 20 large men, a bunch of pine logs used as rollers, and a half dozen mules. First they used logs as levers to pick up the house, pull the concrete block piers out from underneath it, and put it down on logs as rollers. They then with the help of the mules pulling on ropes attached to the floor beams rolled that house down the hill, across the church road, up the next hill (the hill in the pasture), and finally down to its final resting place, a bunch of men grabbing a log and running it around to the front of the house as the back of the house rolled off of it. Then when it got to its final resting place, they used pine logs to pick the house up so they could put the concrete block piers back underneath it to hold it off the ground.

That house was there for the next 12 years until it burnt down and a similar large number of relatives built a new house a bit downhill from where the old house had been. I’m always amused by that bit of family history. Just shows what people can do when they work together and think things through about what’s possible with the resources they have (the logs were borrowed on a Friday evening from a nearby sawmill where my grandfather worked, and returned before the start of business on Monday, while everybody back then had mules and rope).


This makes me wonder: why are we so sold as a society on basements?

They are hugely problematic.

Seriously. Nobody stores their canned veggies anymore, and needs a cool area. Why not a second attic?

I live in a very flat area. Thank god, fairly uphill from the river I fish and kayak and whatnot.

What’s cheaper? A foundation with basement, or a second floor?

I have no idea. Open to opinions and facts.

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Jeez, and I thought my friends asked for too much whenever they ask for a hand moving house.

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Tornadoes, bro.

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Psh. I’ve never seen one, and my area is prone to them. Overstated risk.

I didn’t know Louisiana had any hills.:slight_smile:

It is my opinion that you shouldn’t buy a house with a basement. :wink:

More seriously, I love mine. I don’t lose any first floor space to laundry, pipes (they’ll freeze in a crawlspace), or furnace (which I also cannot hear). Also the expansion and contraction of the soil UNDER my house by frost, which really is a thing here for a few months of the year, is mooted. Frost heaves are real. Frost really does bring large rocks to the surface, and if that rock is under one of your footings, or come up under the wall of your house, your house will lose. Big time.

When I moved to NorCal I was sort of confused… nobody had one. But they didn’t need them, in fact they’re a bad idea in places that flood or have high groundwater tables. A good idea in other places.


Classic college prank. Just wait until the guy sleeping in the upstairs bedroom wakes up and looks out the window to find out he’s in an unfamiliar neighborhood.



Ummmm… okay. You have my permission to not have a basement, I guess?