A cheap bread lame that should work just fine

Jean-Lam Thuc Tan will now demonstrate the Louisiana Challah-hollerer…hey come back! Oh.

I’ll bite.
Why would you want to do this to your bread? Is this the tool that makes bulkie rolls bulky?

Are bullshit, bulkie rolls are just sad machine made Kaiser Rolls.

But you need to slit breads so they’ll raise properly. @chgoliz provided a link explaining it. But basically shits gonna blow out somewhere, and cutting slits in the loaf lets you control how and where.


Thanks I think @Ryuthrowsstuff.
Was there a bulkie roll before the industrial revolution? I thought getting little loafs of Wonder Bread fresh from the factory on Harrison Avenue in Roxbury MA was fresh bread.
I never had bread out of a home oven.

Far as I know bulkie rolls aren’t even 60 years old. Kaiser rolls date from the 18th century. Almost every food or traditional recipe we run across are post industrial revolution. Sort of the running theme when you start looking into culinary history. Anything you can think of is shockingly recent.


A blade on a stick you say…


It’s a unitasker for me, because I don’t use double-edged razor blades. I prefer to leave my blood on the inside. I don’t care how cheap a lame is, it has no place in my kitchen.

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