Originally published at: A couple of rhinos casually walk inside a building as if they own the joint (video) | Boing Boing
I love that the exclamation only happens after a second rhino is revealed. One rhino, whatever, that’s just Tuesday. But two rhinos? Damn that’s cool.
I mean, are YOU going to explain the concept of ownership to a rhino… much less 2!
True. Also, they can have the joint! They’re rhinos!
Let’s face it: If a rhino walks into a room, they DO own the joint. I’m certainly not going to tell them they don’t.
Were the rhinos followed by either a Robin Williams or a Dwayne Johnson? Because if so I think I know what’s happening.
the rhinos either didn’t hear the amazed human or just didn’t care
The latter. They’re rhinos.
True facts: a rhino DOES own whatever land it happens to be on at any moment. Are you going to argue about it? I didn’t think so.
The 800-pound gorilla wants to hide in a closet.
Is It a public building? Is It part of the National Park? Maybe the rhinos work there or they were dealing with the bureacracy.
The one rhino is demanding to speak to the manager regarding the “Continental” breakfast, the other is begrudgingly acquiescing, and just wants to hit the pool.
They’re just like us!
The video’s disappeared.
“You Rhinos can’t come in here. This is a people hotel.”
Sadly, video was down for me
Where does a 5,00o pound rhino sit?
Anywhere it wants!
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