A gun in every pocket: Supreme Court strikes down restrictions on concealed carry

Nobody better get between me and my 'rup, yo


Vermont also doesn’t have people.The number of homeless students in Chicago city schools (about 16,000) would be the third largest city in Vermont. Burlington moved into Chicago would be about the twentieth largest neighborhood in the Chicago city limits, behind Brighton Park and ahead of Auburn Gresham. You generally don’t shoot people who are far away.

But actually Chicago has a really low homicide rate if we compare it to comparable places. If our primary comparison set isn’t rural places a half continent away, but other large de-industrializing cities of the Rustbelt, Chicago becomes a beacon of safety. Chicago’s homicide rate is about 18.5 per 100,000. Detroit is roughly double that at 38/100,000. St. Louis is above 60. Cleveland and Buffalo come in around 22. If you feel that heading down river is a more comparable set because of the long history of cultural and trade ties you can throw in Memphis at 28 and New Orleans at 38.

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