Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/04/26/a-healthcare-worker-ran-her-ow.html
If she’s embarrassed now, wait until she realizes the first Google result for “strog” points to this definition from Urban Dictionary:
Is this a warning that the Strogg are about to invade Boston?
To be fair, it would be quite difficult to form an “N” on those streets, given the lack of diagonals.
I’m increasingly convinced that Urban Dictionary contributors just take a bunch of words, both real and made-up, and randomly generate supposed slang meanings for them that no one has ever actually used. It’s about the only thing that explains many entries.
We can all aspire to be strog like her!
Well, there is a lot of stuff out there that exists but doesn’t have a name yet…
Which was the starting point for The Meaning of Liff, but there is still so much work left to do.
I was all set to go register “bostonstrog.com” and point it at the donations site, but somebody picked it up a couple days ago, and it doesn’t go anywhere… yet.
I’d probably assume the entry was created specifically to mess with this poor jogger if it hadn’t been posted almost 12 years ago.
*“Oh no! I spelled it wrog!”
Rich Hall tried to do his share with Sniglets, too. (Now I feel the urge to hunt down some NNTN episodes…)
Glad I’m not the only one who thought of this dumb joke.
Or wait until she realizes she’s infected her neighborhood. Why are we celebrating this?
Here in Australia “Strog” is slang for Stroganof, the tasty casserole with beef and mushrooms. I am sure Boston has a world famous take on strog like NY has its own take on pizza.
I think it makes more sense if you imagine that the contributors are entirely suburban 14-year-olds trying to imagine what various bits of urban slang mean.
During today’s press conference, Trump recommended that Boston consider taking strog. What do they have to lose?
I recommend blocking UD, it’s fabricated bullshit that you don’t want rattling around in your head.
Adding -site:urbandictionary.com
to your search helps. A browser extension and a entry in your HOSTS file helps more.
I recommend strog with covfefe
Me three. Too much Quake and Quake II in my past.
@anon32019413 Who has time to waste in Urban Dictionary? I spend my days wandering around the labyrinth of TV Tropes.
You can buy the Strog beer, that is made by a microbrewery in Tuscany