A history of swords and their sharp, pointy, or bludgeoning cousins

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Ruffian Dick Burton’s never-completed Book of the Sword is pretty excellent if you’re into serious scholarly study of weaponry and history. If you’re not fluent in Victorian-era English, French of the same period, ancient Greek and classical Latin, it takes some work to plow through the text, and it was written before the invention of color photographic reproduction, but it’s worth it if you’re really seriously into swordsmanship.


What if I just want to be a ninja?

The first thing to do is be undetectable. So you should be a pimply teenager, wear a black T-shirt that says “NINJA” in ten-inch high letters and a shuriken belt buckle, and carry a really crappy mass-produced-in-china ninja sword at all times. Absolutely no-one will ever suspect you are any real danger to anyone but yourself; it’s the perfect disguise.

Also, be born into a ninja family, and practice a lot.


I hear it also helps to live in the Edo era.


No thanks. Swords were made for one thing - to kill people.

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You’re a bad man. :slight_smile:


Also for true invisibility have a barcode tattooed on the back of your neck. No one will suspect you then.

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Yeah, it’s not something to joke about. A crazy guy got his hands on a Longclaw replica in my city and went on a rampage. Dozens of people were bemused.


The Official Ninja Webpage:  REAL Ultimate Power!!!! Just follow this handy guide.

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Holy cow. The thread the other day about there being “no obvious jokes” and Poe’s law is true.

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