A logical guide to 2016 Democratic Primary outcomes

She looks like she’s been auditioning for the role to me.

I think, if anything, she’s auditioning for the role of President, but I think casting for that role won’t be completed until 2020/2024.


I’m just saying I know someone who broke bread with her…


Alt text, “Also, all financial analysis. And, more directly, D&D”


The media has already been making the loud argument and that is largely the problem, i’d prefer to make the intelligent argument. I also would prefer to not blanket generalize any specific groups of people but rather address the facts and issues.

If you think the american people aren’t largely fleeced into voting against their own interests across the board then you aren’t familiar with the US election cycle or how the USA has gotten to where it is today.


Isn’t Trump the impossibilist candidate? I have seen disgruntled Bernie fans claim, apparently straight-faced, that if Hillary gets the nomination, they’re voting for Trump because obviously everyone will be so horrified by his presidency that they’ll immediately go hard socialist.

No, he’s the accelerationist candidate. It sounds like a terrible idea.


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