A Los Angeles restaurant won't let you enter until they take your temperature

This is clearly an underhand attempt to discriminate against werewolves.


I’m not sure about other regions in Asia, but this is common procedure in Singapore with Covid-19. That said, you don’t necessarily see people with thermometers everywhere, and some entrances may have thermal cameras instead. At hospitals and public buildings such as museums there is an extra level of screening where you fill out an online form on your phone indicating whether you have been traveling to regions with outbreaks recently and recording your contact info.

So, I’m guessing this restaurant is just following the general good practices from Singapore, Hong Kong, or somewhere else in Asia.


Good to know. Though I was thinking less of the cases where people remain asymptomatic and more of the lag between getting infected (and being infectious) and having significant symptoms. I mean, presumably people who feel terrible and have a fever will, for the most part, have enough sense to not go out to eat, which means most covid carriers who are going out to eat won’t have visible symptoms (yet).

So. Not with a meat thermometer. Good.


There are no words.

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Maybe they could pay a living wage, and he won’t need to steal his dinner.


Ya never know.

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Well, maybe you skinflints would tip and not be so cheap when it comes to food delivery.

And grocery delivery, too.

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I remember poet John Cooper Clarke talking about how he took a Domino’s ad deal during the Swine Flu pandemic because he figured the smart money’s on pizza as there’s not a whole lot of nutritious meals you can just slide under a door.


Having another bad day, Sam?


Kind of ironic in that Sichuan food is almost guaranteed to raise your body temperature (authentic hotpot at least). I do love those Sichuan peppers.

And BTW those digital thermometers should be ubiquitous (don’t worry they will be). In Beijing they check everyone riding the subway. Everyone boarding a plane etc. Not a perfect indicator a but a quick useful tool. And maybe the only check your gonna get in the US.

Yes. They are calibrated for a narrow range of temperatures and need to be held over the temporal artery, and at very close range (we’re talking like a couple of inches). They compensate for the internal vs temperature difference.

If you use a standard laser thermometer that you get from the hardware store, it’s unlikely to be effective.


Canadian like typing detected.

A few weeks ago, the staff at the local T&T market, a huge Chinese grocery store, were wearing marks. At the time, it was really just a gesture. To reassure customers, or for prejudice, or both?

The temperature thing is probably really for vampires and zombies: No pulse, no service!


You’re expanding your dislike to Canadians, Eh? That’s what Canadian’s call “sorry” day…



And yet every pic I’ve seen has them aimed at the middle of the forehead.


Bad aim, Eh?

@RickMycroft No pulse, no service!
Eh, that ain’t the Canadian way!

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can we just administer Voight-Kampff tests instead?


I think I’d be less likely to eat at a restaurant that does this because it might lead to a false sense of security.